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The memory snaps away and the darkness returns. I stand there reliving that moment over and over in my head.

{I had to die in order for Jinx to live.}


{What happened after I went to CADMUS?}

"Ugh, it doesn't matter now. None of it does."

{Tell me, I deserve to know.}

It's quiet for a few seconds, "Fine, but the outcome will be the same." It laughs again, "I guess there are some things worth telling you."

{Are you telling me in here or in the real world? I thought you wanted the others to know as well.}


The darkness slowly becomes brighter and brighter before I open my eyes to the clone still inside the tank, its eyes stop glowing before it starts to breathe heavily. I slowly sit up breathing heavily as well with my lungs screaming at me.

{My body can't take much more of this.}

I carefully stand back up, trying hard not to wince from the pain that I am feeling.

"Do you want to tell them now or should we wait till the end of the story?" The clone asks as it gets its breathing back under control.

I don't say anything as I stand there trying to block out all the pain shooting around my whole body.

"You're right, at the end is way better. Leave them in suspense."

{I don't know how to tell them, how to tell Jinx that I gave up my life for her.}

"Now where were we? Oh yes what happened when you came to CADMUS." It clears its throat, "When you arrived here they went to work immediately. They needed as much of your DNA as they could get so they took hair samples, some skin, tears, saliva, and of course blood. Once they were sure that they had enough to be able to create a clone they put you in a special kind of medically induced coma."

"I was in a coma?"

"What did I say about questions?" The clone asks angrily, its voice changing to more of the dark voice than mine.

I close my mouth quickly.

"As I was saying," It continues with their voice returning to normal, "The coma wasn't like a regular one. You were under but not enough to where your energy wouldn't flow. They needed your energy to be moving freely without anything holding it back. Once you were under they hooked you up to different machines to keep track of your vitals. Then came the fun part." It smiles towards Headmistress. "The cloning process worked and I was created." It looks back at me, "I started out like everyone else, as a small helpless baby but they had a way to accelerate my growth. As I grew your energy was slowing drained from you and put into me. When the time came that I was old enough to comprehend things Headmistress began to teach me."

{She taught it herself?}

"At first it was the basic stuff everyone should know; English, math, reading, science, history of villainy, all the stuff someone would normally learn at H.I.V.E.. A year or so passed by and she had taught me everything I needed to know. So as a reward I was allowed to choose a name for myself. I thought long and hard about it, about what I would want people to call me, but I wasn't ready to pick just yet. My body was that of a ten year old by this point, I had absorbed about twenty five percent of your energy. So it was then time to practice with my powers as much as I could while still being inside of this chamber."

{It was in there all that time?}

I glance over the whole tube, looking at all the mechanisms attached to it.

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