Pieces of my Past

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*Sorry it took so long. Had to work on some details and make sure that the timeline for everything will be right. I am trying to get the details of the story as close to the Teen Titan TV show story. Some things may be off but I'm sticking with it as much as I can.

**Please vote and comment anything you liked, I'd love the feedback. The more people who read the more enthused I am to write more and faster. So thank you.

***Please Enjoy!

{I can see shapes but nothing distinctive, the whole scene is blurry.}

"Just keep focusing on it and we should be able to get something."

I take a few more deep breaths trying to focus on what I can see. The objects start to clear up but not enough to where I can see anything important.

{I can only see trees and buildings but they're moving to quickly to figure out what they are or where they are.}

"Do you hear that? Sounds like a voice."

I quiet the scene and focus on the sounds instead.

"Are you sure this is the right choice? She's just an infant. We don't know if sending her away will help anything?" a women's voice farther away.

"We might not know but at least this way we have a better chance at making sure Trigon doesn't have both of his daughters in the same place. With them together there could be more death and destruction." another women's voice closer.

"That's Azar's voice."

{The one that raised you?}

"Yes, I would recognize her voice anywhere. She knew about you?"

"We could raise this one like you are raising Raven. She is learning well and she is only 3. She is smart and strong for her age. She has control of Trigon's influence. This child could too. You were there when Raven was born you felt her energy and you saw her destiny. What did you see from this child?"

"She has the same energy that Raven did, it was shaped different but it was the same. Her destiny is tied to Raven's and Trigon's. I don't know how he plans to use this child in his plans but my gut tells me she may be his back up plan. That is why we must get her out of here. When Trigon doesn't get Raven he will go after this one." Azar explains.

"Is sending her to Earth the best choice though? She will be alone, and when her power begins to show itself they will fear her."

"I already made contact with someone on Earth who agreed to look after the child until Raven's destiny is completed. Whether it be she becomes the portal or she defeats Trigon either way they will stay apart until then because in either situation Trigon wont be able to get his hands on her. He wont need her if Raven gives him what he wants and he definitely wont get her if Raven defeats him." Azar says.

"Will you tell Raven?"

"No, she doesn't need to know until the time is right. I promised Arella I would not bother her or Raven about this child but I promised myself that I would not keep these two apart forever. That's why I will allow them to meet eventually." Azar explains with sorrow.

"She looks just like them, Raven and Arella. She has the same hair and eyes."

"She's beautiful just like her sister but the energy inside of her is his. That is why she must go."

"The portal is ready." a man's voice calls.

"It is time. Someone will receive her on the other side and watch over her. They know whose child she is and will take extra care to keep her hidden and to help her learn to control her gifts. I have to have faith that I am doing the right thing for everyone, the child included." Azar says quickly.

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