Filling in the Blanks

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*I told you I'd have a long chapter for you all and here it is, enjoy.

*There are some intense moments in this chapter.

The darkness is back, it completely surrounds me.

{Not again.}

I start walking through it, not being able to see anything, not even my own feet. As I walk I start to see a light in the distance. I take off running towards it. As I get closer the light starts to look like a giant spotlight shining down on one circular spot. Inside the light stands a young girl with purple hair holding her arms out to her sides, both of her hands glowing with dark energy. Behind her sitting on the ground is another girl with pink hair whose eyes are locked onto the others back.

{Is that Jinx and I?}

I reach my hand out towards them. The moment my hand enters the light pain shoots through my head. A memory starts to play in my head, this memory. Everything Jinx told me replays behind my eyes but in first person. Starting at the beginning of the exercise where I take down the cannon balls and dummies and Jinx takes her turn, the ending brighter and louder than the rest.

I watch as Jinx falls onto her butt closing her eyes. I put strength into my legs and take off towards her. I brush her arm as I pass her to stand between her and the balls. I put my hands up as they start to glow, a dark barrier surrounds us. As they hit the barrier I flinch a little from the impact.

{I need to work on taking the hits without flinching.}

I can see the balls flattened on the ground right outside the line of my force field. I lower my arms as I turn around, my bubble disappearing as my hands stop glowing.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I hold my hand out towards her to help her up.

"I'm fine." She ignores my hand as she stands up, "I didn't need your help, I had it under control." She folds her arms again and turns away from me.

I lower my hand back to my side.

"I'm sorry." I walk past her placing my hands back into my pockets tilting my head back down to look at the floor.

"If you're sorry then why did you do it? Why jump between me and those balls?" She asks angrily.

I stop but don't turn around, "I don't know, I didn't really think about it. I thought you were in trouble so I jumped in."

{Why was saving her such a big deal?}

"Next time, I'll stay out of it." I say as I continue walking.

"There won't be a next time." She tells me as I hear her footsteps walk away from me.

I pull my hand back out of the light staring at my hand.

"What the heck was that?"

I look back up at the light.

{Did I just get some of my memory back?}

I step away from the light.

{Did Jinx telling me all of that today jump start some of my memories?}

I smile and look around for another light. I see one a few yards away. I take off running towards it as fast as my feet will take me. As I come up to the light I see just me inside of it, my feet inches off the ground while my hands and eyes glow.

{When I mastered my energy?}

I stick my hand into the light, feeling another pain in my head.

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