First Lead

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I added and changed some stuff in the previous chapter. Take a look.

"I know we were suppose to go over this last night, but the party got a little out of control." Robin explains as he looks at us all on the sofa.

"Raven is the one who started the food fight." Beast Boy says jumping up as he points at Raven.

I look over at Raven sitting beside me as she smirks under her hood.

"It doesn't matter who started it, we all are to blame for getting way off track." Robin explains crossing his arms over his chest.

Beast Boy sits back down beside Raven.

"Now back to what I was saying. We were suppose to talk about what we all found out about Jade's past in H.I.V.E, or Jinx's and Knight's locations." Robin says as he turns to one of the computers and starts typing.

Separate screens appear on the giant screen. One shows a picture of Jinx and her crew and a map behind the picture. Another one shows the H.I.V.E symbol with some of their files opened behind it. The last one is of a silhouette of a women with Knight written on top of it.

"Alright with start with what Jade and Cyborg found." Robin types as the screen with the files on it grows and takes up the screen.

Cyborg steps up to the computer as Robin steps aside.

"Well after hours of combing through everything we have on H.I.V.E and their leaders, we came up with nothing helpful." Cyborg explains with disappointment.

"What do you mean, Cyborg?" Starfire asks, "You and Jade did not find anything on Shadow?"

"No, we were barely able to find anything on Headmistress. Either Brother Blood deleted all the info on anything before he was put in charge or it was on a different server and I missed it when I was undercover. Either way though, we got nothing."

"So we still don't know anything about Jade's time there then?" Raven asks concerned.

I look down at my lap as I make tight fists so hard my knuckles crack, "No, my past is still blank. Even after hours of meditating almost everyday this last week, nothing solid has come up."

"It's alright, we still have other leads." Robin says hopeful as he takes his place back in front of the computer as Cyborg sits back down.

"Alright." I look back up at the screen.

The screen goes back to how it started but with only the remaining two topics showing. Robin types again and the picture of Jinx and her crew takes over the screen. Starfire stands and joins Robin at the computer.

"Robin and I searched much of the city looking for the one named Jinx." Starfire explains.

"We weren't able to find her exact whereabouts but we were able to narrow down where her and her crew may be laying low." Robin types and the map moves in front of the picture as a red ring circles a little portion of the map.

"Many citizens told us of strange activity going on inside that red ring." Starfire says pointing to the screen.

"What do you mean by strange, Star?" Cyborg wonders.

"Strange as in multiple unexplained accidents have been happening. ATMs breaking shooting out hundreds of dollars, trucks holding valuables breaking down or crashing and by the time help arrives the valuables are gone, not to mention how people are avoiding one area in particular." Robin tells us as the ring grows a little bit smaller but not small enough to give just one place.

"So they could be hiding anywhere in that three block radius then?" Raven asks taking her hood off with a serious look underneath.

"Sadly we weren't able to narrow it down any farther. We will all have to go and do field work there if we want anymore answers on Jinx."

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