Round 1: Combat

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"Joy! We get to see how good you are."

{I hope I don't disappoint them.}

"After you." he says waving his arm towards the mat.

I walk towards the mat with them all on my heels. I step onto it with Robin behind me while the rest stop at the edge.

"We'll start slow and fasten the pace as we get warmed up."

"Sounds good."

"Don't hold back." he says rolling his shoulders and moving his head back and forth cracking his neck.

"I'll try my best." I say as I pull my pair of gloves out of my pocket.

{Glad I put these in my pocket.}

"Interesting hand warmers but how are they suppose to keep your hands warm when your fingers stick out like that?" Starfire asks as I finish putting the gloves on.

"They're made like this. I like my fingers being out so I can use them without any troubles."

"You ready?" Robin asks raising his fists up.

I nod and raise my fists too.

{Here we go.}

He makes the first move, moving so fast he's almost a blur but I'm ready for him. He kicks up with his right leg towards my head. I raise my right hand and grab his ankle as it reaches above my shoulder. I push his leg and he stumbles back a little bit but isn't thrown off his balance, ready to make his next move. He comes at me again raising his fists up and starts swinging. I dodge and slap away every time he swings and when I see an opening I push out with my palm and make contact with his chest knocking the wind out of him and pushing him back again. He stumbles a little more this time.

{He wasn't expecting me to switch from defense to offense so quickly.}

I move towards him this time. I swing my right leg up but he reacts quickly and raises his right leg up also making out legs connect mid-kick causing us both to stagger. I don't let it throw me off balance though. I duck down and put out my leg and turn trying to sweep his legs out. He jumps and rolls out of the way and lands back on his feet.

"Not bad. You definitely know how to defend yourself." he smiles pretending to wipe dust off his shoulder.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" Beast Boy asks wide eyed.

"I taught myself by reading martial art books. Then I trained myself."

"Wow." Cyborg says.

"Wanna go again? Little faster?"


I make the first move this time before he even has the chance to raise his defense. I swing out with my right hook and as he goes to block my attack I switch my plan. I use my strength and put it in my leg and quickly turn to be behind him. I kick out one of his knees making him fall to a kneeling position. I grab his cape and jump over him covering his head with it.

{He should really rethink the cape.}

I step back and allow him to recompose himself.

"I didn't see that coming."

"Dude, she got you good." Beast Boy laughs.

Robin glances at Beast Boy with annoyance on his face.

{Should I not have done that?}

"Let's try this again."

He looks at me and raises his fists. His focus sharper than before.

{He's serious. I don't think we're going slow anymore.}

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