Save Her

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"What are we going to do Robin?" Starfire asks.

"We split up and find them. Cyborg you go north, Star you go east, Raven south, Beast Boy you take the sewers, and I'll go west. We will find them no matter what."

Raven pulls her hood back up as the rest nod in agreement.

"Titans go!" Robin yells.

They each go the direction they were given. Cyborg and Robin on foot the rest to the air.

{I better help, this is serious.}

I grab my book bag and throw it over my shoulder. I start running towards the end of the roof and jump to the next. Doing the same thing over and over again going the same direction as Raven.

{I have to stay far enough behind so she won't sense me.}

I follow behind Raven using rooftops and dark alleyways, keeping my sensors on my glasses scanning for any explosives.

{I might have gotten my powers from my father but my brains are mine alone. I wish I would've made these things a little less noticeable though.}

We've been looking for hours and the sun is almost down when Raven stops in a parking lot behind a warehouse. I stop behind an alley a couple hundred feet away.

{Why'd you stop? My sensors aren't picking up any explosives.}

"I was wondering how long it would take for you to find me Raven." Slade speaks as he walks out of the shadows.

{She must have stopped because she sensed him.}

I hit the button on my glasses and they return to normal. I run towards them a little bit but not close enough for either of them to know that I'm there.

"Where are the bombs Slade?" Raven asks as her eyes glow.

{Wonder if my eyes do that when I concentrate on my powers.}

"There aren't any. I just needed a reason to get you to split up." he explains.

{He's telling the truth, but why would he do that?}

He begins walking towards Raven but she stands her ground.

"Why did you want me to find you?" she asks as her hands start to glow with black energy.

{My hands do that too at least.}

He stops walking but he's close enough to where they could reach out and touch one another.

"To kidnap you of course."


Raven attacks then with a giant garbage can flying up behind her. Slade moves out of the way before it can hit him. He runs towards Raven as he pulls out his metal staff that he uses to fight with.

{Robin has one of those too.}

He starts swinging at her but she blocks each swing with a little field of black energy coming out of her hands.

{Go sis! he was crazy for taking you on alone.}

He sends a kick flying and it makes contact with Raven's stomach making her fly back a few feet. I grab my stomach as she grabs hers as she sits up.

{One thing that sucks about our connection. I feel the same physical pain as you do just not as intense.}

Raven gets back on her feet ready for round two, but Slade just stands there.

"I'm afraid that I've won." he explains as he puts his staff away.

{What is he talking about? He only got one hit.}

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