Lost Control

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I jump awake but there is a hand on my forehead holding me still.

"You're ok."

I look over and Raven is sitting next to me. She slowly removes her hand and I see it stop glowing.

"What happened?"

I look around and I'm back in their medical room on the same bed I was in the day before.

"You lost control of your energy and it took over."

The memory comes flooding back to me.

{The voice was there again but Raven said it was just the evil DNA inside of me, so how could it have caused this to happen?}

"We had to stop you before you hurt yourself. You were levitating and you levitated some of the objects around you."

{So I do have those abilities somewhere inside of me, just sucks that something like this had to happen for me to find out.}

"Starfire and I levitated up and I used my energy to calm yours down enough so Starfire could grab you. You were shooting off so much power. You were like how I use to be when I lost control before we stopped our father. She had to hold you tight so I could get to you. I connected our minds so I was able to calm you and the energy down. It took a little while but I was finally able to stop everything. It must have drained you because you fell unconscious. We brought you here to monitor you. I connected with you again to see if I could find the reason it happened."

"Did you find anything?"

"Nothing related to why this happened."

"What did you see?"

"Bits and pieces of things but it was all too jumbled to be able to process anything."

"What can we do to help it clear up?"


"Let's do it." I say sitting up but the room spins a little.

"You're still recovering."

She places her hand on my shoulder, "You need more rest."

"No, I need to figure out why this happened so it doesn't happen again. Plus you said meditating together would help us bond and learn about one another. Maybe my memories, the one's I can't reach, hold some answers."

I look at her and I can see it in her eyes that she's thinking it over.

"You know that this will help. Besides meditating doesn't require me to use any of my power or energy so I'll be ok.

She looks me over and sighs, "Fine."


"On one condition. You can't push yourself and you have to listen and do whatever I say."

"Ok, I promise."

"Also your memories and whatever answers we're looking for won't come all at once. It might take a little while and a few tries until we get everything. So you have to be patient."

"I was hoping that we'd know what caused this now but I understand. I've never meditated before so I know it will take time and practice."

"I didn't say we wouldn't find anything the first time. I just said we might not get the right answers."


"Let me help you up."

She stands up and holds out her hand. I take it and move my legs over the bed. I gently set them on the ground.

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