
145 8 3

*Sorry everyone, really short chapter but I wanted to post something since I haven't in awhile.


I hear the heart monitor as I slowly become conscious again.

{I’m not dead?}

I pry open my eyes to the blinding lights of the medical room. I blink a few times as they adjust to the brightness. 

{Caitlin was right, using the paddles worked. My body still feels weird though. I don’t know if it’s from being shocked or from using my powers. My arms and legs are kind of numb.}

I carefully move my toes.

{They put a blanket on me.}

I move my feet, trying to push the numbness away.

{That’s a little better. Now my hands.}

I open and close my hands a few times above the covers.

{Better than what they were.}

As feeling returns to my body I feel the oxygen tube under my nose and the electrodes sticking to my chest.

{Is this what the rest of the little time I have left is going to be like? In and out of this bed, hooked up to machines.}

I grip the blankets as I ball my hands into tight fists.

{No, I have to be more careful. I’m shortening my time and we need as much as possible to find the other half. We have Jinx now so we are one step closer.}

I let go of the blankets quickly.

{Jinx! Is she still here?}

I sit up fast, ignoring the tugs of the electrodes on my chest. The room spins a little making my stomach turn, I close my eyes trying to block out the spinning.

{Feel like I’m going to be sick.}

“Caitlin, she’s awake!” Raven yells.

I slowly open my eyes again to Raven standing beside me on my right with a chair with a book on it seated behind her. All around us is a white curtain hanging from a rod on the ceiling. The curtain parts a little bit as Caitlin opens it to step through, she closes it again behind her before coming to the other side of the bed where all the monitors stand. 

She looks over them once before turning her attention onto me, “How are you feeling?”

Before I even have a chance to answer my stomach flips again as it gets warm and something starts making its way up.

Caitlin quickly bends over and grabs something, “Here.” She says as she stands back up handing me an emptied metal trash can.

I grab it fast and bend over to stick my head into the opening just as the warmth reaches my throat. I sit like that until I know that nothing else is going to come up.

{I think it’s done.}

I sit back up and put the can on my legs.

“Better?” Caitlin asks, as she holds her hands out, one with a tissue.

I nod and carefully hand her the trash can back and take the tissue from her. I wipe my face and throw it into the can. Then she bends over and sets it back on the floor beside the bed before pressing a button on the bed. The top starts to move up until it is almost sitting straight.

Raven puts her hand on my shoulder, “Sit back.”

I look over at her before nodding and allowing her to push me against the pillows and the bed.

“Jinx?” I ask her as she grabs her chair and brings it closer to the bed moving the book to sit in it.

“She’s still here.”

“How long was I out this time?”

“Only a couple of hours.” Caitlin answers, “You’re lucky this time. You can’t keep using your powers like that if you want to survive long enough to save yourself.” she crosses her arms over her chest while looking at me sternly.

“I know and I’m sorry.” I look over at Raven, “I had to stop her attack though.”

Raven shakes her head, “I could’ve, you reacted too quickly not allowing me to help you.”

“I didn’t think there was time. I didn’t think you could save me.”

Raven grabs my hand quickly, gripping it tightly, “You have to believe in me Jade. You have to know that I will be there to help you no matter what. I know I wasn’t there to protect you and help you when you were young but I am now. I will keep you safe. I told you, I’m not going to let you die. So you have to have faith in me.”

Tears start to build up in my eyes.

“I do have faith in you, more than anything or anyone else. I believe in you more than I believe in myself.”

“Then believe that you don’t have to use your powers, that I will be there to help you.”

I nod as tears roll down my cheeks, “I’m so sorry.”

“I am too.”

“Why? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I never should’ve left you alone. I knew it was a bad idea but I did it anyway.”

“No, none of this is your fault.” I explain squeezing her hands now, “I wanted to go on my own even knowing the risks, I used my powers knowing that it would hurt me. This is all on me.”

“No, it’s all on me.” a voice speaks up from behind the curtain.

We all look as a hand parts the curtain.

“Jinx.” I say as she steps the whole way through.

She stops at the end of the bed and looks me over. I see her eyes move from the tube under my nose, to the wires poking out from under my new shirt, then to the IV and oximeter attached to my hand, she follows the wires to the machines, and then finally her eyes land on mine and Raven’s hands on the bed beside me. 

“Well all your vitals are stable for now. So I’m going to my room to let you three talk.” Caitlin says stepping towards the curtain.

“Room?” I ask her, pulling my eyes from Jinx.

“Raven asked me to stay for a few days to keep an eye on you.” 

I look over at Raven, “I’m going to be more careful, she doesn’t have to stay.”

“I know you’re going to be more careful because I’m not letting you out of my sight.” she explains looking at me sternly, “But I also know that things are going to start getting harder. I want her here just in case something like this happens again.”


“Don’t worry.” Caitlin interrupts me.

I look back at her and see that she’s smiling.

“Once you guys find the other half and you’re healthy I’ll be headed back to Central City.”

{Once we find it. She still believes we can do it, even after today.}

“Call for me if you need me in the meantime though.” she explains walking through the curtain pulling it closed behind her.

I listen to her footsteps.

{We still have time or Caitlin wouldn’t have said that.}

I hear as the door opens and closes.

{We can still do this.}

I look over at Raven and she nods.

{Time to learn about my time at H.I.V.E.}

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