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**Sorry it's been so long. Between writers block and work I haven't been able to write. I hope you are all staying safe and healthy out there.

***Hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry it is so short.

"Is this the place?" Raven asks as we gently land in front of a house.

We both stare at the small white house with a white fence surrounding the property. An opening for the driveway and a gate in the front center, at the beginning of the walkway leading to the door. A single blue SUV sits in the driveway.

{This place looks like one of those houses you see in a Homes magazine. Everything looks so perfect and peaceful.}

"According to Beast Boy's information that he found, yes." I answer as I fold the papers he gave me and stick them into my backpack on my back.

"This house is so small compared to the apartment buildings flanking both sides." Raven says as she lowers her hood.

{This can't be the same place I grew up, it's too small.}

"Are you ready?" Raven asks me.

"You're coming with me right?"

She nods and grabs my hand, "You and me."

I take a deep breath and nod. Raven opens the gate and we make our way down the walkway towards the front door. We stop on the welcome mat laying in front of the door.

"Are you going to take your hood and glasses off?" she asks letting go of my hand.

I shake my head, "Not yet, I will though."

{I'll take them off when I know this is the right person.}

"Are you sure you want to do this? Once I knock, there's no going back."

"I have to know."

"Alright." she reaches out her hand and gently knocks on the door.

We hear footsteps inside the house coming towards us.

{I can do this. Who knows maybe it's not even the right person or maybe she won't even remember me.}

The door swings open and the lady from Beast Boy's presentation stands in the doorway. She looks to be in her mid forties, she has long black hair with strands of gray mixed in, pulled up into a bun. She has deep green eyes, with full lashes. She's a little taller than Raven, her figure is average. She has blue jeans on with a white long sleeve shirt.

"Hello, are you Miss Knight?" Raven asks.

"Yes, but please call me Lena. You're Raven, from the Teen Titans? How may I assist the Titans today?"

"Actually ma'am it is just us today. The others stayed at the tower."

"Oh, I see." she looks over at me for the first time, "Hello there, what can I do for you young ladies today?"

{I can do this.}

I take a gulp of air and slowly raise my shaking hands to my ear pressing the button, my glasses come apart and return the machine. I watch Lena's reaction as I take both my hands and slowly take down my hood. I put my hands inside my jean pockets to hide my shaking while watching her. Her face slowly goes from confused to recognition.

"Shadow?" she whispers.

She slowly steps outside the door shutting behind her as she steps towards me.

"Is it really you? After all these years?" she says reaching for me.

I take a few steps back, out of her reach while looking away.

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