The Missing Piece

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*Small chapter but important

I stare at the me inside of the tube as she glares back at me with the grin still on her face.

{This can't be happening, she can't be real.}

"Oh I'm real." She speaks.

{She knows what I'm thinking?}

"I do, I always have."

"What do you mean?"

"I've been with you ever since you woke up here, I've been watching and listening from the moment you opened your eyes." She chuckles, "Causing trouble from inside of you."

"How is that possible if you're here? Who are you? What are you? How are you in my head?" I ask frantically as I tighten my fists at my sides causing my hands to shake even more.

She sighs as her smile disappears, "To get into everything would take too long and we don't have much time left."


"Yes, we." Her eyes look towards Headmistress who has been standing off to the side watching us, "Is there any point in telling her anything?"

Headmistress takes a small step forward, "That is up to you. You can tell her whatever you want, either way the end will still be the same." She explains as an evil grin spreads across her face.

The other me's eyes move back towards me, her body still, "I'll tell you but only because I want to see your reaction." Her eyes focus past me, "And theirs."

I turn around to look at the Titans and Jinx all watching us with shocked expressions. Raven and Jinx being the most shocked out of all of them. I turn back towards the other me, her eyes once again focusing on me.

"I'm going to keep this short and sweet so you all better pay attention because I will not repeat myself." She takes a deep breath before talking again, "I'll start by stating the obvious, I am a clone of you."

I hear the Titan's muffled gasps behind me.

{A clone?}

"Yes a clone. CADMUS made me from your DNA a little over two years ago."

{Two years? That's when..}

"When you disappeared and went willingly with Headmistress." The clone smiles at me again.

A wave of dizziness washes over me as a cold shiver runs up my spine. I look over at Headmistress to see that she is smiling at me with her malevolent grin. I start to shake my head at her before turning back to the clone.

"No, it's not true, it can't be true."

The clone laughs at me, "You really are a smart one aren't you? You connected the dots without me having to explain more."

{I went with Headmistress without a fight to protect Jinx, I knew what I was getting myself into. I told her to keep that thing away from her. I was talking about this thing, I knew that they were going to clone me and I allowed them to do it.}

"You didn't just allow them to clone you, there was more to it than that."

I hear the Titan's gasp again.

"Why don't I just show you." It's eyes start to glow, one glowing like my energy and the other bright red.

"Show me wha...?" A sharp pain goes through my head again.

The room spins as my vision blurs. I grab onto my head with both hands closing my eyes as I fall to my knees in agony.

"Shadow!" I hear Jinx yell from somewhere far away.

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