Bad News and a Choice

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"Sorry again for just dropping in like this." Caitlin apologizes as she leans over and presses the thermometer into my ear.

We sit on the couch in the Common Room, Caitlin on my left and Raven on my right. Cyborg is at one of the computers trying to locate exactly where Jinx is, pretending that he's not listening to every word we say. Robin is leaning on the counter a few feet away, while Starfire stands behind the couch directly behind me, with Beast Boy sitting on the floor by Raven.

"It's no problem." I tell her as it beeps in my ear.

{She's very pretty. She has perfect skin, a little pale but still no blemish in sight. Her eyes are a dark hazel. Her hair is a beautiful brown, it goes a little ways past her shoulders. She's wearing dark blue jeans with a purple long sleeve on, underneath her white doctors' coat. She looks so young, but she's one of the top doctors in her field, so she must be really smart.}

She takes it out and looks at it, "You still have a slight fever." she tells me as she places the thermometer down on the coffee table, then she writes on a piece of paper inside a folder beside it.

"Is that normal?" Raven asks worried.

"Jade's body is fighting the unstable energy like it would an infection. So I'm not surprised that there is a small temp." Caitilin explains as she takes my left hand into her hands.

{Her hands are so cold.}

"Your pulse is normal, which is good. Any nosebleeds or coughing?"

she asks letting go of my hand.

"No, not since that day." I answer, putting my hand back on my lap.


She bends down and writes more on the papers in the folder.

{That folder must be about me and all the tests she ran.}

"Have you had any weakness or dizziness at all?" she wanders while studying me.

I shake my head. She nods and writes again.

"Ok." she says dropping the pen and sitting up.

"Ok?" Beast Boy wonders.

"From what I am seeing on the tests we ran when I first got here and you not experiencing any symptoms, as of right now, I can say that nothing has gotten worse." she explains as she looks at Raven and I.

{Wait, why did she?}

"Nothing has gotten better though either, has it?" Raven asks.

"Sadly, no. Jade's energy is still very unstable, it is still attacking her body just not as fast right now as it was the day you all came and saw me." she looks right at me, "You haven't used your powers since the day you woke up, correct."

I nod in agreement.

"That may be why it has slowed down a little. When you use your powers, your energy is reaching out looking for its other half and when it doesn't find it, it goes crazy and attacks you even more. Your body can't handle the barrage it is taking and depending on how much energy you use you collapse, or get weak and dizzy, or even what happened two weeks ago."

"So she can't use her powers?" Robin asks as he stops leaning on the counter and walks over to us.

"Depending on the amount of energy will determine the outcome." she explains looking at Robin as he stands beside Starfire.

"What does that mean?" Beast Boy wonders.

"It means she can still use her powers but in small amounts at a time."

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