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I watch as the light in Shadow's eyes goes out before her lids close over them. Her arms slip out of the machine that they were in, half of them and her hands are completely black. Her arms fall down to her sides before her whole body falls forward, my heart beat freezing in my chest as I watch her hit the ground hard. She doesn't move once she is down. I stare at her, looking for any movement, looking for the slight movement of breath. I hear muffled cries beside me, I turn and look at Raven, whose face is just as wet as my own. She stares at Shadow while screaming under the tape, trying to pull away from Slade. Then I hear sniffles coming from behind us. I turn my head to see the other Titans, Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy fight against their restraints as hard as they can, tear lines mark their faces. Starfire is looking down towards the floor, I can see tear drops fall from her face.

{No, it's not true. It can't be true.}

I look back at Shadow, who still lays motionless. I shake my head hard back and forth.

{No! No!NOOO!}


"Would you shut up already?" Echo asks from inside her tube.

I look over at her, noticing right away that both of her eyes are red now.

"She can't hear you, not anymore." She grins, "But that was fun to watch."

Anger boils inside of my chest.

"I just can't believe she actually did it. She willingly gave up her powers, her life, to save you two." Echo laughs, "Love really is a weakness."

Shadow's smile flashes in my head.

"You're wrong."

"Either way, I should thank you both."

"Why?" I ask between my teeth.

"Because if she wouldn't have fallen in love with you and if you'd never allowed her in," She says to Raven, "Then we wouldn't have had leverage to use against her. I never would've gotten out of this thing." Her eyes flash really fast.


The glass from the tube goes flying across the room.

"Oops, didn't mean to do that, hahaha." Echo steps out of the tube.

She steps away from it while stretching out her arms and leaning her head side to side. Headmistress walks up to her with a huge smile on her face.

"You're finally whole."

"After a year of waiting."

"We can finally begin our plans."

Echo glares at her, "Not yet."

"Huh? What do you mean not yet?"

Echo lifts her hands to look at them, "The new energy hasn't completely settled yet, until that happens I'm not strong enough to fight any heroes. I need time to absorb everything." She makes her hands into fists.

They slowly start to glow with dark energy, Shadow's energy. I feel sick to my stomach watching her summon Shadow's power. Echo releases the energy as she lowers her arms back down.

"I need peace and quiet."

"I know the perfect place." Headmistress raises her hand with her pointer finger out.

She spins her finger in a circle. The men standing along the edges of the room put their guns away and start heading towards an exit. The scientists grab different paperwork before following suit.

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