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**When reading this chapter remember what I said in an earlier chapter about Shadow and Jinx. Yes they might be young but they are a lot more mature, making them seem and act older.

"Well obviously I live."

Jinx chuckles, "Yes, obviously you do," her face turns sad again, "But in those moments, I honestly thought I was going to lose you. I didn't think I would ever see you again."

"So what happened next?"

"I woke up."

I open my eyes to a dimly lit gray room, I am laying on a very uncomfortable couch. I slowly sit up while wiping my eyes trying to fight through the fog in my head.

{Where am I? What happened?}

I turn and place my feet onto the floor. My foot bumps into something. I look down and as my eyes adjust to being awake I see Shadow's bag next to mine leaning against the bottom of the couch. I break through the fog.


I stand up fast as my eyes fully clear. I am in what looks like a hospital room with some equipment, a couch, a chair, a TV on the wall, and a bed.

{Where did they take her?}

"Well, well, look who finally woke up." a familiar voice chuckles.

My heart skips at the sound of her voice. I slowly turn towards the bed and sitting up in it is..

"Shadow?" I can barely get out.

"Who else would it be?" she laughs.

She's sitting while leaning back against the pillows, a white blanket covers her from her waist down. She no longer has her costume on, it has been replaced with a dark gray t-shirt. Different cords are running from under the gown to an EKG standing a few feet from the bed. Her one hand has an IV in it with the line leading into a bag hanging from a pole with a little box attached to it in the middle.

"So seeing me like this takes you back to that, huh?"

"Yes, that time and now are the only times I have seen you in a medical bed hooked up to machines. The only times I have seen you so..."


She shakes her head, "Brave."

{She's smiling at me as if nothing even happened. As if she didn't almost die.}

Her smile slowly turns into a frown, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I feel the wetness on my face now.

"I'm sorry!"

She's startled by my outburst, "Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong, this is all on me. I told you to run and leave me to fight alone, it was my decision."

"But I couldn't do anything to help you." I close my eyes tight, "I just sat there as you were dying in my arms."

I start to shake and cry harder as the memories flash behind my eyelids. All the blood, the paleness of her face, and the blue on her lips.

"You were dying and I couldn't do anything!" I ball my hands into fists trying to stop them from shaking.

I stand there and cry for a few moments, replaying those scenes over and over in my head.

"Jinx, look at me."

I ignore her.


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