The First

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**Shadow and Jinx might have been young when they were in H.I.V.E. together but their mind set and maturity levels were that of someone who would be 15.

"So we were together?" I quietly ask after absorbing what she told us.

Jinx blushes, "We didn't know what we were in that moment. I don't know what you were feeling but I knew that everything felt right when I was beside you. You made me happy, allowed me to be me, and I felt safe. I didn't understand what I was feeling in my chest at the time but I liked it."

{That's why she's been acting weird with me and looking at me funny. Shadow and her liked each other.}

I look over at Raven, "You knew?"

Raven takes a deep breath before looking at me, "Yes, I knew. The moment Jinx figured out who you were I felt her emotions towards you. I've been reading her emotions since we left the construction site making sure that what I was getting off of her was real."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Wasn't my place."

She looks away from me and back at Jinx. I look at Jinx too and see that she has tears in her eyes again.

{She was hoping telling me all of that would bring something back.}

I take a deep breath, "Raven can Jinx and I be alone for a little while? I think the rest of our story would be better told with just the two of us."

I see Raven look at me and then at Jinx again before sighing, "Alright, I'm going to go get you something to eat." Raven stands up and goes towards the curtain and stops with her hand on it, "And make up the second guest room for you Jinx."

Jinx and I both swing our heads towards Raven.

"What are you talking about, I can't stay here. I'm a villain and you all are heroes. I'm amazed the others haven't attacked me and taken me to prison yet."

"They aren't going to. I know how you feel about my sister, so I know you aren't going to hurt anyone or do anything that would hurt anyone."

Jinx just stares at her.

"Because you don't want to risk being taken from her or her being taken from you again."

Small tears slide down Jinx's face.

"I know you want to stay by her side and protect her. I know you want to save her and I know why you want to." Raven turns her head and looks at us with a small smile on her face, "For the same reason I want to."

I glance back at Jinx and see that her cheeks are bright red.

{The same reason?}

My heart starts racing and heat rushes to my face as I realize what Raven means.

"I'll be back in a bit." Raven says as she walks through the curtain, leaving Jinx and I alone.

{Raven would never leave me with someone she couldn't trust, so she must trust Jinx. Which means everything Raven just said is true.}

I look at Jinx as she continues to stare at where Raven just was, her face all red. Warmth grows in my chest as butterflies form in my stomach. Jinx finally turns to look at me and when our eyes meet a new feeling flows through me. My chest begins to ache as my heart races faster.

{Is it possible for the heart to remember something that the brain doesn't?}

Tears still fall down her face, her eyes full of longing.

"Jinx, I.."

"Don't." she says looking away.


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