o n e h u n d r e d e l e v e n

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** TW: Underage drinking and drug use **

7107 words

february fourteenth- jewellery

~ Draco's POV ~

Blaise, Pansy, and I had gone to one meeting at the Manor since that first one. The one scheduled for the last weekend in January was cancelled because things changed and the Dark Lord ordered a raid of one of the magical suburbs outside of London. Last week, we were back at the Manor. Bellatrix had all of them use the Cruciatus Curse again before teaching them the Imperius. I didn't have to do the former of the two, but she asked me to demonstrate the latter by having a bound woman sit on the windowsill with her legs dangling over the side. I dropped the curse before Bellatrix could prompt me to have her jump, citing that my focus lapsed, but she used her magic to push her over the edge before she could come back inside the room.

I hadn't slept right since then. 

Pansy had been staying in our room almost every night. I was convinced that there was an indent in Theo's mattress from where she slept. It was understandable that she wouldn't want to go back to her dormitory, but I found it infuriating that Theo had his witch in his bed and I didn't have mine.

Theo had stopped going to the DA meetings. He didn't go to the one after we left the first time, and he hadn't been since. We hadn't told him about what happened, but I had a feeling he knew some of it. I also hadn't talked to him about Pansy. He didn't tell me about it so I figured that meant that either he didn't quite understand his feelings or didn't want to discuss them. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable considering all of us were on the edge of insanity.

Blaise had adjusted to everything quite well, all things considered. He would still cry every night, but we had developed a bit of a routine. None of us bothered him, but Pansy would sit next to him until he got it out of his system. He accepted the fact that the three of us were going to just have to continue doing awful things until either the war ended and we would be put in Azkaban or the war ended and we would have to keep doing them forever. He acted differently in classes though, and it was obvious that the darkness was beginning to envelop him. The few times Astoria would sit with us at meals, for Pansy's sake, I would catch her looking at him concernedly.

He and I were at lunch, alone with each other on Valentine's Day. Last night was one of the rare nights that Pansy spent in another room, so Theo was sleeping in late. It all worked out though because I found out from Snape yesterday that the meeting scheduled for this Saturday was cancelled due to another raid.

Pansy snickered and wondered if the Dark Lord only did that so that he could spend his Valentine's Day shagging someone. I didn't like the thought. 

My witch and I never really tended to celebrate the holiday all that much, seeing as we were still coming off of both our anniversary and Christmas, but I would usually try to treat her in at least one way. 

I was dreading being around other people for the holiday. If I had to watch other people gift flowers and chocolates and jewellery and make out in the most obscene places, I had a feeling that I would actually combust. I found myself desperately wishing that I had been able to give her the ring that was tucked safely between my heart and my oxford. 

But, this year there were no flowers or chocolates or jewellery or even plushies. It made sense the longer I thought about it, but the lack of love was jarring. Hogsmeade was closed to students because of the war, so unless students had a Headmaster-approved person who would send them things to gift, there would be no way for them to acquire such items.

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