o n e h u n d r e d s e v e n t e e n

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may first- war and death and impending doom

~ Addison ~

Everything had been fine. We were doing okay. Teddy was growing remarkably fast. He had started to change so much; he only liked to wear purple clothes and was able to lift his head on his own for small periods of time. Andromeda and I had continued with my training. She had packed away the magic inhibitors, what we were calling the magic bombs that removed all magic from an area for a period of time, in the cabinet of things to use if we ever needed to go to battle. Tonks and Remus were beyond infatuated with their son and loved to do anything and everything with him. 

Everything had been fine until it wasn't.

I was in my room, brushing through my hair as I glanced out the window to find my Slytherin's namesake. Andromeda had decided to take a break that night from training, opting to spend the time playing with Teddy.

I had just sighted Polaris and was glancing upwards towards Draco when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in," I called, sighing softly and turning away from my window, away from the only routine that had been able to bring me peace since Teddy had been born. I had been so happy then, but I didn't stay it for long. I couldn't forget the fact that Draco wasn't with me, that I didn't have my friends or my family. 

It was Tonks. "Addison, would you mind getting dressed and coming downstairs?"

Downstairs? It's nearly eleven pm...

"What's wrong?" I asked, the dread immediately filling my stomach at the thought that something worse had happened, something awful. "Who's hurt? Is it over? Did we win? Or did You-Know-Who win?"

She crossed the space, taking my shoulders in her hands as she reassured, "Nothing is wrong. Just get dressed and come downstairs. I would suggest wearing something like you would wear to train, preferably when you did it with Mum versus with Remus and me."

I glanced up at her sheepishly. "You know about my training with your Mum?"

"I might be stupid, but I'm not an idiot," she chuckled, letting me go and walking back towards the door. "Oh, and make sure you put on a jacket. It's uncharacteristically cold outside."

"Uncharacteristically?" I teased. "When did you learn big words?"

She didn't retort verbally, instead opting to stick her tongue out at me pointedly before leaving me alone. I was downstairs not a few minutes later, my hands shoved into the pockets of my Slytherin's black jacket, the black jeans I had come to rip parts of during training flanking my legs. 

Andromeda was walking around in circles, bouncing Teddy gently to try to get him to calm. Tonks was working on a radio, the same one that we used to listen to the Potterwatch segments when they would air. Remus was standing in the kitchen, his hands deep in the cupboard that houses the things we kept stored away for battles.

I had a feeling that Tonks had lied to me.

"Someone better tell me what's going on," I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest as I came to a stop in the doorway of the kitchen, watching them as they halted and looked back at me. 

Tonks glanced at her mother and child before looking over to her husband, who had, coincidentally, done the same.

"Earlier this evening, right before you went up to your room, Fred and Lee did another segment," Tonks started, continuing to work at the radio. "Essentially, Harry, Ron, and Hermione broke into Gringotts and got out on the back of a dragon. The three of them haven't been seen in months, so they broke in to let everyone know."

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