e i g h t e e n

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june twenty-third- the last party

The Tournament was coming to an end. This was a fact. Tomorrow would be the last challenge.

Harry and Cedric were tied for first place. The last challenge was supposedly a maze that the Champions would have to navigate through in order to find the Triwizard Cup. There would be creatures and other obstacles that they would have to pass in order to win. I had a feeling that Cedric would win. Ced had two years on Harry, two years of Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts that would win him the Tournament.

Naturally, having been anticipating a Hufflepuff Champion, Justin and Ernie decided to throw a party. They had three reasons for wanting to throw a party before the Task. First off, they wanted to get everyone excited for the Task. Secondly, this was the last real chance anybody would have to throw a party before the end of term. Lastly, the Headmasters of the three schools would be having a celebration for the Champion, no matter who they were. The party was Cedric's pre-win extravaganza, and the boys promised it would be nothing short of exciting. Of course, I believed them. Justin and Ernie always threw the best parties. Remember that one after Cedric was chosen? I don't. But that's the point.

The Hufflepuff common room was to be the location of tonight's party. I still don't know how, but Justin and Ernie managed to sneak in a lot of drinks. Like a lot. It made me wonder if the whole school would show up in our common room. We knew it wouldn't be the whole school. The Gryffindors were holding out hope that their 14-year-old Champion would beat Cedric. I knew he wouldn't. It would also be my guess that half of Slytherin house would forgo tonight's event to make a statement that they support Krum more than a Champion from their own school. Typical Slytherins.

Yesterday I asked Draco if he would be coming to the party. He said he didn't think he would, but if he did show up, he would already be drunk. I told him to stay in his common room and get drunk instead, to save himself from doing something stupid around half of the school.

I was up in my room with Fawn, Ainsley, and Erin when we heard the music from the common room. It was loud, booming through the floorboards so that nobody could sleep tonight. Fawn, Ainsley, and I had agreed to do not get drunk tonight. We didn't want to be hungover when Cedric won. Erin wouldn't be joining us for the party tonight. I wish Hannah and her could swap rooms so she could be our fourth.

We left our room and walked out to the common room to see it swarming with people. Of course, there were a ton of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Surprisingly, there was also a good amount of Slytherins and Gryffindors. I guess people are starting to lose faith in Potter. That, or they just wanted to get drunk.

We made our way through the people to find Cedric, Cho, Matt, and Hannah. They were all sitting at a table in the corner, playing cards, seemingly oblivious to the party that raged on around them. I sat down on the other side of Cedric. Fawn sat next to me and Ainsley next to her.

"What are you doing?" I asked Cedric. "This is your party and your sitting at a table, playing cards while everyone gets shit-faced?"

He turned his face towards me but kept his eyes focused on shuffling the cards in his hands. "I really don't want to be hungover when I have to go into that bloody maze. So yes, I am sitting at a table, playing cards with my friends, while everyone else gets shitfaced. It's actually enjoyable for once." He smirked at me before he turned to Cho and kissed her cheek.

"Deal the cards, lover boy," teased Fawn.

And so we sat there, playing cards, while everyone else got absolutely wasted. After our third round, Cedric having won them all, our table was graced with Justin and Ernie's presence.

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