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april fourth- fates are sealed

~ Draco ~

I figured the Dark Lord would hear about what happened at the Manor and come back to kill us. I had resigned myself to that fate. Did I want it? No. Was it necessary? Definitely.

Potter and his friends got out. That was the point. Them getting out meant another day with the hope that the war would end and He wouldn't be alive anymore, for good this time. 

Them getting out meant that Addie had a real chance. She deserved a real life. She deserved the house, the big wedding, the kids, the happy memories, all of it. She didn't deserve a war. She didn't deserve the destruction that was happening. 

If her chance meant that I had to die, I would have done it in a heartbeat. Only, he apparently didn't want us to die.

The air was cold. Really fucking cold. The thunder roared and Mum grasped my arm harder.  They had only apparated away a few minutes prior, but t felt like an eternity had passed. An eternity in which we were waiting for our deaths.

I started to plan. There was no way that He wasn't returning to the Manor after that, so I had to come up with ideas. If He tried to go after Mum, I would step in. I would give myself to Him. I would not let Mum get hurt. If He went after Father, He could have him. The man might have been partly responsible for my existence, but he was also the reason that it was a pile of shit. If the Dark Lord wanted him to pay for what happened, I would let it happen. 

I was right when I predicted that He would return to the Manor. There was a flash of lightning and there He was, striding into the drawing-room, His cloak flowing behind Him as if He was a king, His goons flanking His sides like Crabbe and Goyle used to do to me. Mum clutched my arm tighter, her shoulders subconsciously rolling back as her chin lifted; Father cowered, his shoulders slouching and hand on Mum's back slipping away; I remained the same, unable to move. 

"And what have we here, hm?" He crooned, coming to a halt and glancing around, picking up His bare foot and moving aside some of the crystalline remnants of the chandelier that had been hanging in the room for as long as I had been alive. 

Bellatrix turned around to face him, repositioning herself at my right, her arms pinned behind her back as if she was waiting for chastisement from a professor, her head bowed and her curls unruly against the electrically charged air. "My Lord, it seems there was an incident," she squeaked, somehow still effusing confidence regardless of her tone and air of submission. 

"An incident," the Dark Lord repeated, waving his hand for his lackeys to leave, which they did immediately. "Hm, what type of incident would that be, Bellatrix?"

Her throat bobbed with her hair as her body shuddered in his presence. "They were working against us," she stammered, contesting our case before anything had even been said. She was damning us; He hadn't asked what our side of the story was, simply what the incident was. He would see right through it. "There were a lot of them and the stupid elf and somehow they escaped-"

"Now now, Bella," He scolded. "Use your words."

Her shoulders rolled back as her arms retracted themselves from behind her back. "Scabior and the other snatchers brought the Potter boy and his two friends here. They caught them on the run. We were just about to call you, my Lord, when one of the elves that used to work here apparated inside the room and unscrewed the chandelier. It fell and they apparated away, taking our wands with them."

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