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december twentieth- holiday plans

~ Draco ~

What had my witch gotten me into?

I was a Malfoy.

Still are, dimwit.

I was a Malfoy. Malfoys were very particular people. We were supposed to do exactly what we were told. We were supposed to uphold the family line and family values. Couple that with being the only accepted descendant of the Black line and expectations for me were high.

My ancestors, on both sides of my family, would be rolling in their graves if they could see me now. Technically, I could still partially be seen as upholding family values. I was marked, after all. But I was a proper failure of a Death Eater. That didn't bother me, of course, as it wasn't as if I wanted to be a successful Death Eater.

But the keyword was that I was only partially upholding our family values. Well, not ours. Theirs. My witch had convinced me to go with her to DA meetings. And then, I had convinced two of my friends.

Who was I?

It was strange, knowing that I was doing something good. For so long, I had just been an arrogant prick. I did the wrong things, sometimes on purpose. I would be mean and call people awful things. I used to relish in making people cry.

But then she came along.

I never much believed in the superiority of pureblood witches and wizards. That ideology had been completely squashed when Granger bested me in everything except Quidditch. If everything my parents had taught me had been true, then Granger never would have gotten better marks than me. But I couldn't just stop acting like a Malfoy. So, I kept it up. I didn't realize it until I had been formally trained, but I was using Occlumency to stuff away the awful way I felt after saying those things.

Once my witch attempted to befriend me, all of the boxes I had stuffed myself and my emotions into were pulled out from under the bed. She forced me to feel everything I had tried to suppress. She led me out of the darkness and showed me what a life in the light could look like. And I fell in love with her, somewhere along the way.

I never had a doubt in my mind that she was one of the best people to ever grace this earth. She had no reason whatsoever to be nice to me when we were partnered up back in fourth year. She should have been awful to me. But she wasn't. She was kind and patient and showed me that I didn't have to be what everyone knew me as.

Now that I had been in the light, her light, I knew there was a part of me that could never go back.

She had effectively and wholly changed me.

So no, I was no longer a Malfoy. I might have still had the name and the hair, but I didn't possess anything else that would tempt me to identify as such. I didn't care about stupid fucking family values. I wasn't going to uphold the bloodline, as long as she still wanted to put my plans for our future into action.

And I was practically a member of Dumbledore's fucking Army.

Who the fuck could have seen that coming? Not me, for sure.

It was strange, thinking about how I was disappointing my family. They didn't know about the DA, obviously, but I was still disappointing them. I failed at my task in the spring. I was a shite Death Eater. I was essentially betrothed to a muggle-born.

Family used to be everything. That was one of the Malfoy family values that I appreciated. Mother and Father used to do everything for each other and for me. But then, things changed. Father got aggressive and demanding. He stopped telling me that he loved me.

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