o n e h u n d r e d t w e l v e

51 6 9

** TW: Panic attacks **

14132 words

march first- transitions and endings

~ Addison ~

February had been relatively calm in comparison to the way March was already starting. Remus received a Patronus message while we were eating lunch in the kitchen. Ted and Andromeda were inspecting the flutterby bushes he had grown for his wife, so many of which had sprouted that he had to transplant them to the backyard as well. 

 It was a sunny day, one that promised a nice breeze and a slight sunburn from the sudden change in the amount of daylight. 

That was when the Patronus stormed in through the back door, a small weasel making its way past Ted and Andromeda in the small garden. 

"Remus," the voice panted, of which I immediately recognized as belonging to Arthur Weasley. "We need you at the Burrow. Kingsley would have sent this, but he's already out in the field. They found one of the safe houses, the one with the orphaned muggle-borns. We need, you, Remus. It's bad. Please come as soon as possible."

The kitchen fell silent as Ted and Andromeda joined the three of us in the kitchen and Tonks crossed to her husband, placing her palms on his arms and tilting her head back so Remus could lean his forehead against hers. 

"What was that about?" Andromeda asked, leaning with her back against the counter as Ted came to a resting spot at her side. 

Remus slipped out from his wife's arms, turning towards the cupboard where we kept our battle supplies. "It was Arthur," he responded, grabbing his kit of various healing supplies, potions, and herbs. "Something has gone wrong with one of the safe houses. I'm going there now."

"I'll go with you," I blurted, knowing that he shouldn't go anywhere alone. One of the things that he and his wife had taught me was that one never goes into battle without a duelling partner, someone to have your back at all times. 

"No," the four of them all retorted in unison, baffling me for a moment.

"You can't go without a duelling partner," I contested, standing from my seat. "Even if you aren't called to go into the field, there's always the chance that one of them could make their way back to the Burrow and you'd need me then."

"You are not going with Remus," Tonks scolded, moving away from her husband towards me, her arms crossed over her chest, her eyes like steel. "You were sent here to stay safe, and going with him will not necessarily ensure your safety."


"No buts, Addison," Remus bolstered. "Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to have a duelling partner. You would be a perfect candidate given the way we know each other's styles, but it is irresponsible for you to come with me. Dora is right."

"If you need a duelling partner, I can go with you," Ted interjected. 

All of our eyes went to him. "Ted, darling," Andromeda started, but Ted continued over her.

"We've gone out like this before. We know each other's fighting styles. Besides, even if you don't end up leaving the Burrow, I can help you heal. The Order always needs more hands on deck." Remus eyed him warily, but he resumed after a moment. "Plus, I know why she wants to go. It's her war. But, it's also my war. I haven't gone out to help in a very long time-"

"Dad, just because you're not out there doesn't mean you aren't helping the cause," Tonks argued. "You've helped so much with their training, and making Potions with Remus, and intercepting messages for the Order. You don't have to be out there to be helping-"

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