Ch 2 | Pleasing To Ears

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Lam looked at his reflection in the toilet mirror. His shirt's three buttons were opened. His short hair was all messy. And his usually thin colorless lips were a shade darker right now.

His neck had many marks all over, and the most strange thing to look at was the white stuff sticking on to his shirt.

Such a different look than usual, made Lam's heart thump a little faster. 

The last time he saw himself in a different look was back when he had his first fight. The only difference is that now he's tainted with the color white but that time it was the color red.

The astonishing moment only lasted for a few seconds before Lam was back to his true self.
This white stuff that gave him a different look now had a gross sense.

Hurriedly he used some tissues but even then he was not satisfied. He had to wash it with water.

While he was doing this he smelled smoke. Looking towards that direction he saw the guy he just had a pleasant time with, was standing with his back leaning on the washbasin and his fingers held a cigarette.

The most surprising yet disgusting thing about it was that he had his limp dick sticking out!

Park didn't even care to wear his pants properly, because apparently smoking was more important.

Lam got an itching in his hands. He went and took away the cigarette, throwing it in the trash bin.

"Hey!" Park yelled looking quite shocked as to why would someone snatch away his cigarette.

Lam gave him a sharp look before turning to walk to the toilet door.

Right now they were in the second floor's washroom. There were people when they came here but after a signal from Park all of them scurried away. Lam wonders if they had even needed to lock the door in the end.

"Where are you going?" Park asked, finally hiding his limp dick in his pants.

"Back." Lam replied as he opened the door.

"But we've not even done anything." At these words Lam stopped. They haven't done anything?

"Dude, a hand job is nothing for me." Park started walking closer to him, when he was near, he slapped Lam's butt. "Let me have a taste of it."

Lam looked down to think about it, then raised his eyes up and gave him a rising eyebrow look.

Park found it so amusing that he moved forward and bit Lam's lower lip before showing a smug smile.

Just as they were about to discuss more a voice came from behind.

"Fuck you! That's where you were!" It was a rowdy looking guy. He hurried to catch up to Park and put his hand around Park's shoulder.
"Berry is looking for you, and Tul is gonna kill you if you ditch your work."

Park murmured 'shit' before turning to Lam. "Meet ya again!"

And soon far away Park was gone, leaving Lam behind to stand alone. 

Lam didn't stay there for long, he went back to his dorm, though the whole time on his way he couldn't control himself from thinking about Park's last words.

Did he mean they have to meet again? Do Lam wants to meet again?

That night Lam could not sleep. While laying in bed he eyes remained open. The image of his own self in the mirror keeps repeating in his mind.

And the different kind of pleasure he felt... he felt like doing it again.

It is all so weird for him. He... he wants to meet Park again.

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