Ch 40 | Ming Is Fighting

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"Be strong, no one will bully you then." Lam looked at Pam who was sitting in front of him. He gave her this advice that he has been following since he understood that he's all alone, no one to protect him anymore.

Pam mildly nods at him, not giving much of a response as she eats another bite of the short cake Lam bought for her.

Right now they were sitting inside a cafe near Pam's home, previous home.

After knowing in a month she will be sent to an orphanage, Lam couldn't help but worry. So once he got her relatives permission he brought her out for lunch.

She was cooperative and ate everything that was given, still that childishness was gone from her face. She'd only answer when asked a question other than that she wouldn't speak. Just sitting there in front of him.

Lam didn't dare mention anything about her mother, he was afraid talking about it might break her out, and he really doesn't know how to stop a crying child.

So all he was capable of was to advise her of her coming life. 

"If someone really bullies you then go to the adults." He hid the fact that sometimes even those adults won't help you, giving the lame excuse that adults shouldn't come in between children's arguments. 

But she's a girl, they might not treat her the same way they did to Lam.

Pam didn't speak even now, she just finished her short cake and bowed her head down, staring at her feet.

Lam got up, he needs to go back to attend afternoon classes so he cannot spend much time with her. 

On the way back he bought her some candies and chocolates. She took them but again there was no excitement or happiness on her face.

"Don't you like these chocolates?" Lam asked, just for the sake of making her talk.

And indeed she did. "I do." She paused before saying lowly. "Everyone is giving them to me now."

After this Lam didn't ask her anything more. For two or three more months she will have all the toys and sweets, everyone's attention and sympathy, then she will become an old topic and some new kid will get the attention.

He felt like even he'd do the same. He started giving more attention to her because of sympathy but that sympathy won't be here when she wouldn't be in front of him anymore.

While he was thinking that they reached her place, Lam stood outside waiting for her to go inside but she didn't. She looked up at him, staring at him. Just when he was about to ask what happened, she spoke.

"Will you come visit me when I'll be in the orphanage?" 

Her sudden question took Lam by surprise, he couldn't reply at first. 

"Aunt said it's close by. I'll be able to meet everyone."

Lam still didn't answer, he kept her waiting, her big eyes staring at him for the answer, then eventually she went inside when her aunt called for her.

In the end Lam couldn't tell her that such a thing as meeting everyone was just a far away dream, everyone forgets, he too will become busy in his study and would forget about visiting her.

With his eyes feeling heavy he went back to his faculty, sitting on the desk where his friends were sitting too. 
Once coming here he took out his phone to check on any new messages, and the new message he was looking for was really there.

'Did you have lunch?' Park sent him this message.

Lam typed back a reply. "I did with the porridge shop auntie's daughter."

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