Ch 41 | Just For Fun

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"We should call the ambulance, look at his shirt! It has wholly changed to red!" Kit shouted at them all as he stared at Ming.

Beam sighed and didn't care to answer him. It was Kiet who snorted, "It's just some blood, he's not dying."

"It's not just some blood!" Kit yelled at him before pacing around Ming who was getting first aid from Beam. 

Kiet rolled his eyes. Ming gave a light reassuring smile to Kit, telling him he's fine. But Kit wasn't convinced, he kept pacing around in worry, chewing his nails and pulling out his hair.

"Why were you fighting with the seniors?" Lam asked this, making everyone quiet other than Kit.

Ming who was scared of fights so much that he made a silly deal with Forth and ended up ruining his relationship with Kit, that Ming suddenly initiated a fight, even more with the seniors!
This was something totally out of their expectations.

The moment they had rushed to the scene, all they saw was Ming getting beaten up by three 4th year seniors. 

Forth was able to control the situation without it turning into a messier fight by them all joining too. 

Later the seniors left while warning Ming to watch his back as he was the one who threw the first punch. 

And honestly it was funny to see that the person who made the first move was red and blue but the others weren't even hurt in the least. Seriously, just what was he thinking?

"Why do you care?! He's hurt and that's your point of focus!" Kit shouted yet again, making Lam purse his lips and backing away.

Nobody dared to ask anymore questions after Lam's example. They didn't wanna get scold like him.

"Are you sure you don't need to see a doctor?" Kit asked Ming, but got the reply from Beam who was fed up with him. "We are the doctors here."

"Not until you get the certificate." 

At this Beam just rolled his eyes. Ming used some comforting words to calm Kit down. 

Once again it's quite unexpected to see Ming behave so... maturely. 

Like he's not the one shouting and yelling because of pain, instead he's making the other calm down. That is something they wouldn't have imagined in the past.

At least from their both's interaction everyone can see that they'll go back to being lovers.

Or was there a time when they weren't lovers? Just cause of a breakup can they stop being lovers? Isn't a lover all about loving someone? Then they never weren't lovers.

Such questions came into Lam's mind, making his head hurt. He wanted to write these questions in a text and send them to Park, but...

"We cannot take him to a doctor, they might contact his parents or a professor." Ram told Kit.

But Kit didn't understand. "Why would they? He's an adult, not a child."

"He's a student too."

"But didn't Lam once was hospitalize too?"

"And they contacted the police." Ram huffed at him. Kiet said the next words. "Lam didn't get in trouble, all because those guys were the first to start the fight. While here it's your boyfriend who initiated the fight."

Perhaps finally understanding this, Kit didn't speak anymore, silently watching Beam applying ointment on Ming's bruises.

Once done with this, Kit and Beam took Ming back to his place, while the others went back to their classes. 

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