Extra 3 | Favorite Dishes

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"So as you know Park and I've started changing positions now. Sometimes he tops me other times I do."

"If you are here to flaunt this again, then I am leaving." Beam cut off Lam's words, giving him a glare as he gritted his teeth.

Since their 3rd year where Lam and Park started living together, Beam heard nothing from him other than flaunting of his great family life, sex life and love life.

Damn it, he was already fed up with this!

Lam looked at him as if he didn't understand what Beam was talking about.

This only helped raise Beam's anger. "Why did you even call me here?" They were again back to their previous gossip spot, the cafe near the university.
"It's my precious day off! Why do I have to spend it with you?"

"Because Forth couldn't get a day off."

Lam hit it where it hurts the most.

They are in their fourth year now, doing internships, where even a small break is like a treasure for them. But for Forth and Beam, it isn't. Both work in different fields so their day offs don't match.

Beam gave a fake sob as he drank his cold coffee, "You got a day off, why couldn't he get one too."

"Ask our group leader."

"In the first place, why are you both working together?! Shouldn't you have looked for a place with your boyfriend? Not mine!"

"About that," Lam became all serious as he said the truth. "Working together with him would be a pain in the ass, so I especially looked for a different place."

"Should I let him in this secret?"

"No." Lam looked down as he continued speaking, "I told him I did this to get a job near the house so that I can look after Pam."

"You sure have learned how to lie to your boyfriend, huh." Beam wasn't amused at all. "And don't you have any shame in using this excuse? It's that little girl who takes care of you both."

"That's not true, she just helps around the kitchen."

"If making three meals of the day is just help around the kitchen then yeah she sure does."

Now Lam didn't want to continue this topic. It was their fault for going ahead and starting a family when both of them didn't know how to cook.

It was stupid of him to think Park a previous rich master knows cooking, but to think he himself would end up making same bland meals every day was totally unexpected.

In the end for the whole last year Pam was the one to make their meals.

They could eat outside too but Pam was hell-bent on making her own meals as her mother taught her outside meals wouldn't let her grow into an adult.

"Seriously, what are you here for?" Beam sighed, finally getting back to the topic.

Hearing this Lam became serious again, "The other day we had sex-"

"Fuck you! You are really here to flaunt it! Just because your love life is going well don't come here to rub it on my face!!" Beam couldn't take it.

Both Forth and his schedule don't match and to top it off they are still living in their own places, not together! Their sexual life right now is nil!

"I am not flaunting."

"I don't wanna hear."

"The thing I want to talk about what comes after that."

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