Ch 20 | Revenge

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When Lam's consciousness was back before he could even open his eyes what he sensed were voices. Irritating voices of his friends.

"I was not able to empty my stomach today." He couldn't recognize if it was Kiet or Ram, but then he heard the other one of them, speaking. "Empty your stomach?"


"Fuck you! Can you be even more shameless?" Yelled one of them, Lam still couldn't really tell who was who.

"But I simply answered you. And what is there to shame about it? It's not like you don't do it."

This time Lam was able to tell, maybe it was Kiet, he wasn't sure even now.

"Can't you guys be quiet?" Came Daw's grunt. Lam was able to recognize it.

His brain started to work properly, so rather than still trying to recognize their voices, he opened his eyes. It took him some effort to get used to the light, even then his vision was blurry, only blinking for a quite a while made him clearly see those three friends of his.

Kiet and Ram still were going about their argument, Daw sighed and sat on the chair near Lam, he closed his eyes and massaged his temples. He seemed tired.

Soon the door was opened and Forth's warning came before he himself. "Another word and you both will be kicked out of here."

Lam turned his head to the door, doing so made his head hurt. Forth glanced at him at the same time.

"You woke up? How are you feeling?"

His question made everyone present in the room turn to look at him. Both Kiet and Ram jumped up to him, asking the same question as Forth. Their voices made his head hurt more.

Daw stood up and walked out, perhaps to call a doctor or a nurse.

Forth might have understood his pain and kicked both Kiet and Ram out of the room. Lam felt grateful for that.

Lam wanted to answer him, lying that he's feeling alright, but his burning throat didn't allow him to speak.

Forth came with a glass of water, first wetting his lips with a cotton swap then letting some drops go down his throat. His actions were so gentle that Lam doubted if he really was Forth, then he guessed that perhaps being with Beam birthed a gentle side inside him.

Soon a doctor came. For half an hour he was taken care of by the doctor and a nurse, they did some examination too, asking him if he's feeling like vomiting or feels dizzy.

Lam was able to answer them after his throat was wet by water.

When the doctor left Forth went with him to ask about Lam's condition. Kiet and Ram took this chance to sneak inside, Daw also came.

"My boy, pity your mother. In my old age you gave such a scare." Ram faked his sob.

Kiet came to join him in this act. "You heal up fast. Father will give you a lesson later."

Lam would have let out a laugh or perhaps smacked their heads but his body was hurting. His muscles feel dead, like he cannot move them. He could only stare at them.

Though his idiot friends didn't mind not getting a response, they continued with their act.

Daw didn't join them, instead he let out the true worry behind their act. "Kiet was crying all the way to the hospital, and Ram almost fainted seeing your white shirt turning red."

"Hey!" Both of them yelled together at him.

Daw didn't need to say it, Lam knew how these guys are, he can also guess that Daw mustn't have much sleep either; and Forth, that guy must have taken care of every procedure.

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