Ch 3 |Dragon Tattoos

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Once again Lam stood in front of the mirror. However, this time was different. This time he wasn't looking at his unfamiliar self, instead, the image in the mirror surface is familiar to him than anything else.

Lam traced his look in the mirror with his eyes. He stared at his own face which now had a wound on his temple, throbbing painfully.
Then he rolled his eyes downwards, there it were, his clothes, messy with mud and blood that was from his own wound.

Before he could gaze at his image for a while more, Forth came and patted him on his shoulder. "Go, get it treated."

Lam nodded lightly, not taking Forth's advice seriously. He simply washed his wound, then started looking for disinfectant.

There he met the long line of boys waiting not so patiently for their turn to get treated. It was a surprise for Lam to see that the one treating all their wounds is actually Ming.

He stood there watching how Ming is doing his job, when he saw that this guy didn't even know how to tie the bandages he understood how long it's going to take Ming to treat all of these guys. 

So Lam decided to leave them and go outside. He was sure in his room there was an ointment for wounds.

Just as he was about to go out he heard someone calling him from behind. "Huh? Why are you here?"

Lam turned around to see it was Beam who was coming with a first aid kit in his hands.

The question Beam asked was out of term, this is engineering faculty so of course Lam would be here.
Instead he wanted to ask Beam why he was here. Though the answer he already knew.

Beam didn't mind Lam giving him silent treatment, with a sigh he spoke, "Forth said you have somewhere to go this Friday after lunch."

Why does Forth have to tell him everything? Lam wondered.

"Could it be the one you had an appointment with, ditched you?" Beam asked with schadenfreude clear in his voice. "It's not that person's fault, after all you can't even hold a conversation with someone."

Before he could speak more, someone came running out.

"I can't! I said I can't!" It was Ming, he was yelling while running.

Four guys came running behind him to catch him. "Who told you to ditch us during the fight?"

"I'll break my bones in a fight!"

"That's why we are giving you this easy task!"

"But I don't know a shit about first aid!"

"We'll see it, come here!"

They kept yelling as Ming was running towards Lam and Beam. As soon as he noticed Beam he cling to his arm.

"Senior Beam, help me!" Mind yelled at Beam first then turned to the guys behind him. "We have a professional now!"

Before Beam could react he was dragged away by these guys. Lam stood on the spot watching them as they disappeared behind the wall.

Standing there alone he started remembering his appointment again.

He and Park made the appointment to meet tonight, Friday night. However, now Lam was hesitating. Actually, the hesitating part was already done, now he simply doesn't want to go.

Not because he was chickening out, or because he didn't like the idea of spending a night with Park. It's just that he suddenly remembers to ask himself why he was doing it?

He is Lam after all. He made sure to keep his life on track then how can he let himself get out of control now?

He'd admit doing that with Park in the toilet was thrilling and something new. But now that he vent his emotions in that fight, he realized his decision of going to SU was really not wise.

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