Ch 43 | Curiosity-Childishness

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Checking the mobile screen, no new messages; throwing the phone aside, Park leaned back on the sofa while closing his eyes Park once again sighed. 

His mother who was watching it all couldn't help sending a suspicious look at him.

He's been lazing around on the sofa for this whole week, going to college, attending classes then coming back straight home. Then once again doing nothing but lazing around in the living room. 

"What happened to your job?" She asked Park, since he hasn't gone to his job even once this whole week.

Park didn't spare a glance towards his mother as he answered in a low voice, "Not going."

"Not going? Do you think it's your tuition classes where you can choose to go or not to go? It's your job, work!"

"I know it's a job! So it's my choice to go or not to go!" Park shouted back at her. 

"You!" She hissed at him before shouting again. "People are dying to get a job and here you are."

"I am not dy-" Suddenly a ding went off in his phone and he stopped midway just to rush to get his phone.

However, seeing that it was a message from a group chat he threw away the phone once again. Leaning on the sofa, closing his eyes with a frown still in between his eyebrows.

His mother felt incredulous. "What happened with Lam?"

Hearing his mother calling Lam's name, Park turned his head to look at her, but then shifted away, mumbling, "Nothing."

"What? Are you both not dating anymore?"

"No! We are dating!" At this he glared at her. 

His mother didn't say anything about this glaring at his own mother. "Then what?"

"Nothing! He's just adopting a girl." And he didn't care to talk it out with his boyfriend. Park added in his mind.

He thought his mother would show some shocked expression or at least will ask him to tell Lam to not do that at such an early age, however her reaction was totally opposite of what he imagined.  

"What is the problem?" 

Now it was Park's turn to give her an incredulous look. "What's the problem? Mom he's adopting a child at such a young age! He's just 22 years old and wants the responsibility of a 9 year old. He said he would stop his study for her!"

Now his mother was quiet for a minute however she still didn't give out a reaction Park hoped for. "That's his life, his choice. So many people out there are sacrificing for their families. Lam is a good child, I believe he would not treat this matter poorly or incompetently."

Park stared at her with his mouth open. 

Was she really his mother who used to oppose him for every single matter saying that he's too immature, but now saying another boy his age is allowed to adopt a child?

"You used to warn me to not make a girl pregnant and become a father at this age." Park snorted. 

His mother snorted back at him. "Come talk to me again when you know the difference between having a child and adopting a child."

Park didn't speak, his mother got up and went upstairs in her room. 

Once again alone in the living room, this time he started thinking about what his mother said. Difference between having a child and adopting a child. 

Well there is a big difference, you can have a child accidentally without being prepared for it, but when adopting a child, at least you wouldn't even have such a thought unless you are prepared mentally. 

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