Ch 30 | Lam's Birthday

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"Someone please let me get a peek of your assignment!" Kiet shouted in the class but everyone ignored him. 

When no one gave him attention he went to Daw, "Daw, love, won't you show me your assignment?"


"Is this how you're gonna play? Fine! I'll find someone else!" Declaring it he saw Lam coming into the class. Like a monkey he jumped on Lam, yelling at him, "Lam, my friend, my savior..." 


"I didn't even finish my words!" Kiet yelled as Lam flung him off his shoulders and went to sit on his usual seat.

Ram patted Kiet with fake sympathy, "Everyone already knows you well." 

In the end Daw did show him his assignment but didn't let him copy it. "Professor will find out, write on your own."

"Yes, yes." 

Everyone was busy with assignments and study, as exams are in five days. Lam too started working on some sheets as soon he came into the class. The professor isn't gonna come in the next 30 minutes but all of them were already here. 

When Forth came he sat beside Lam, "Happy birthday." He said as he placed something in front of him. "From Beam. He has a practical exam today so he can't come."

Lam nodded in understanding as his hand picked the small bag Forth placed there. Before he could see what was inside Kiet gasped loudly.

"Shit! I totally forgot! Today is your birthday!" He shouted loud enough for the whole class to hear.

Lam wasn't amused by it, his birthday always come during exam period so it was normal for him.

Because of Kiet's shout now for the next five minutes everyone kept wishing him happy birthday.
This time even Daw and Ram had forgotten it, they apologized to him, their apology was genuine, not like Kiet's who kept complaining that it was the exams' fault or else he wouldn't have forgotten.

Lam had to push him away to stop his whining.

"How about we celebrate your birthday when exams end?" Daw suggested. Lam agreed with it.

Then Ram asked him, "Does your boyfriend remember your birthday?"

When it came to Park, Lam became a bit stiffened, "I don't know, I never told him the date."

"Go tell him, birthdays are the only days you have the right to get spoiled." Patting on his back, Ram went to Kiet to help with his assignment. 

Lam took this time to check out what Beam gave him, inside the brown packet were two dolls of their favorite novel's characters. 

The gift was to his liking, though he doesn't know what to do with these dolls now, but still he liked it. So he sent a thank you message to Beam. It didn't take long before a reply came, 'Go, get laid back tonight.' With it was attached a winking sticker.

Later the professor came, Lam let go of his phone and started focusing on the lecture. Once done with the first period, he sat on the desk staring at his phone, then he couldn't control himself from grabbing it and messaging Park.

'Can't you come for lunch?' He sent.

Last time he had asked if Park can free up this day for him, Park said yes. Yesterday night while they were talking Park said that he'll come in the evening since in the morning and afternoon there are classes. 

Lam couldn't retort, he knows exams are coming so attending these last few classes is even more important, but still it did leave him a bit blank. 

Then Park cut the call even before the clock hit 12 o'clock. Because of Beam's story about how Forth celebrated his birthday before, coming to his place right at 12 at night, to be the first one to wish him, Lam had some hopes up. 

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