Ch 46 | During A Family Dinner [End]

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"Where should I put them?" Forth asked Lam.

When Lam pointed to a corner Forth went and put down the box he was holding. The whole room was filled with boxes, after all Lam and Park were moving together to this new place.

Within a month they have done all the preparation they needed to do to adopt Pam and move into this new home.

It's a 2 bedroom apartment, near Lam's university and Pam's school. As for Park, he would have to suffer in this matter as his university is 1 and half an hour away.

"Shouldn't you get them in control?" Forth pointed to the living room where the ruckus was going on. All those friends of Park, who had come to help in moving, were right now playing around with the stuff in the living room.

As if that wasn't enough, they had even gotten Lam's friends to play with them.

And Park... that bastard, who had promised to help in everything, never let Lam have the workload, was actually the center of the scene playing outside.

In this mess Lam and Forth were the only ones actually doing some work.

"Let them be." Lam replied to Forth, giving him a straight blank look, "The problem would be if they start helping."

Such a straight reply... well what he said is indeed right.

So they both went back to their work.

Adopting Pam wasn't as hard as Lam had thought, or perhaps it was because she hasn't really gone to the orphanage that's why there was no need for any procedure.

Firstly, they took Pam to lunch with them to talk about this, if she wanted to be adopted by Lam, and taken care of by both Lam and Park.

For some reason Pam burst into tears, later she whispered quietly that she doesn't want to go to the orphanage.

With this their courage grew more. Park talked about it to his mother. She didn't have any problems with Lam adopting someone but she turned into a beast when she heard Park wanted to move out.

In the end she had to agree.

Their friends didn't take it well though; all of Park's friends came to Lam to make him understand how life would be living with Park.

Yeah, they didn't care about the adopting part, but were more shocked at them living together.

Lam's friends didn't have much opinion, in their eyes Lam has always been doing whatever he wants, and they know Lam's character so they weren't worried.

Instead Beam and Kit came to him to ask how he proposed to live together.

Truly, nobody cared about him adopting a girl.

Presently, Lam opened a box to see the item inside. Seeing this item he felt enthusiastic all over.
Picking that object he went to the main door, everyone saw him going out. Then they saw Lam hammering a nail on the wooden door then hanging that item there.

Must be some 'home sweet home' door decoration, they all thought. When they looked at how Lam kept staring at the door, they also got up to go and look at it.

When they saw it their mouth went shut, Max whose mouth was open and was about to speak, had his face pushed back by Tul.

Park took the lead, "That's... unique." He could only find this word.

"Mm." Lam took it as a compliment.

This made them all shut down again.

Beam, who was looking for Forth, came back and saw the door decoration. "What the fuck is it? 'Violence & Violence Doer Stay Out?' Normal people would use 'Welcome' or 'Sweet Home.'"

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