Ch 17 | Ming The Nuisance

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The first day of classes after the winter break, Lam's mood was already off. He never knew that after his parents' death his mood can still depend on another person's presence.

The last five days of winter vacation, Lam and Park weren't able to meet as Park's mother didn't let him step outside the house.

It sucks how after knowing he loves someone, he cannot even meet that someone.

Therefore, Lam's mood was especially killer on the first day, and when he saw Forth going out for lunch instead of Beam coming here, he was even more upset because with Beam at least he would have someone he can talk about it with...

So with everything like that, he went to find his punching bag that he had previously totally forgotten: Ming.

"Wahh... senior Lam, have mercy! This time I didn't do anything!!" Ming shouted as he was dragged to a corner and was kicked over like a dog. Seeing it, the trio didn't remain behind and came to give a hand to Lam.

They also started bullying Ming.

In the end Ming shouted that he will post on the university page that the engineering seniors bully their juniors.

"You think there is any lack of those kinds of posts?" Kiet laughed.

Ming whined as he also knows this fact, every other day there would be those kinds of posts.
After this he gave up and took all the beating.

In evening Lam started going to his bar job again. Young master Park's living habits emptied out the poor boy Lam's pockets. Though Park said at yesterday's call that his mother wants him to return all that money back to Lam.

However he cannot return it now as his mother still hasn't unblocked his cards, because she thinks once she does it Park would run away again.

Lam didn't plan on taking that money back, since it was his decision to take care of this master, it'd be uncool to take money for that.

Thus, he simply suggested Park to save that money for their next trip.

This suggestion was sent to Park this morning via a text message, whose reply came at night while Lam was busy doing his job. He only saw it after 11 o'clock at night.

He had gotten used to the free life in this vacation so suddenly going at his routine made him specially tired today, he read the message but didn't have any energy to reply.

That's how on the first day they didn't talk with each other at all.

On Tuesday it was the same, they didn't even have the time to chat with each other, but this time Lam didn't go to find his punching bag as he had some hopes for the next day.

Usually it's on Wednesday where they'd be able to have some free periods to go to the other's university for lunch. Lam believed even if Park wouldn't be able to come he can still go.

However, it looks like some supernatural power was keeping them apart, as on Wednesday both of their teachers were especially enthusiastic on taking lectures. In the end Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, went the same way.

They didn't meet.

And during this time Ming was really pitiful as Lam went to beat him with every chance he got.

During these days Beam didn't come to engineering faculty either, it was Forth who always went to the Medical faculty. There must be some reason as even Lam could see Forth's annoyance, yet he didn't ask.

He has never been the one to ask others about their troubles. The trio didn't ask either as they always lead the attitude of staying away from troublesome matters.
This was one of the reasons behind their singlehood.

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