Ch 26 | Dating

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"You should keep a tight hold on him. This guy, once he got the taste he wants more. Tch, tch!" Kiet's nonsense wasn't stopping.

And Park wasn't helping in this either. "I never knew Lam-Lam would cheat on me." To complete his act he even faked a sob.

Then came Berry, "Do you want me to elaborate how he cheated on you?" The amusing smile on her face, and the look of enjoyment couldn't be more obvious.

Park stopped his act and sent a dead glare at her.

After a while of fooling around the trio left, leaving behind Park, Lam and Berry.

"Give me a ride home." Berry asked, tugging Park's shirt with her fingers.

Park snapped at her, flinging her hand off his shirt. "You have two legs, use them." Then before Berry could retort he spoke again. "Even if you didn't have them, I wouldn't care anyway !"

No matter how they bicker usually, but this time Berry did seem to mind his tone, she gave Park an accusing glare. "What are you being dramatic for? It's not like he's your boyfriend."

"He is!" Surprising both Lam and Berry, Park declared. "We are dating. Go and ask his friends if you don't believe."

Berry was still surprised, then she stepped back and put her hands over her mouth as she gasped. "Oh my god! You serious?" She didn't believe him. Turning to look at Lam's expression to find some trace of laughter, or joke, but obviously she couldn't see anything other than a blank face, which kinda made her believe it.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Her apology made Lam confused, as to what she's sorry for? "But don't worry, previously I was kidding. We didn't do anything. I just played a trick to pull him inside the women's toilet but he ran out right away. So don't fight because of me."

Park rolled his eyes at her, "I believe his character more than your words."

She let out a laugh at it. "Well, now I am out of it. Rest assured, I am not a whore who'll come in between a couple." Then she winked at Lam, again using her seductive tone, "Though if you ever get bored of this asshole, make sure to come to me."

Right away Park moved to stand in front of Lam, hiding him behind his back, as if protecting his treasure from a thief.

Berry snorted at his behavior then waved them bye, leaving them alone.

Park didn't look at Lam, he seemed mad. Directly going to his bike and starting it. When Lam, instead of sitting behind him, went ahead to face him. Park averted his eyes, harrumphing too.

A smile crept up on Lam's lips, he found Park so adorable right at this moment that he forgot about his PDA issue and dropped a kiss on Park's cheek.

Now it was Park's turn to be surprised, he blinked his eyes slowly then swiveled his neck to let his other cheek appear in front of Lam. "Here too."

Lam chuckled and bit on it lightly. After that Park's grinning face was so annoying that it made Lam finally sit behind him on his bike.

Once they started driving on road Lam noticed Park didn't turn right, the direction which leads to his dorm.
"Where are we going?" He asked. Still believing that Park was also here for their sweet time.

"I feel like eating steak today. There's a restaurant just five minutes away." Park's loud voice came.

Lam didn't speak. Obviously he wasn't in any mood to eat any steak or whatever. He simply wanted to push Park on his bed and start to feel him up.

But with Park being busy all the time, Lam can guess that this guy might have skipped breakfast or lunch. So not letting him have any dinner would not be a good choice.

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