Ch 42 | He Left

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Standing outside on the stairs where the balcony is used as a smoking area; yet, Lam wasn't there for smoking. He doesn't smoke.

Why was he standing there at night when the cold wind was flowing? Simply because he wanted to feel this cold wind.

As the wind came to his face, freezing his nose to the point of feeling numb, as he gazed at the night sky without noticing any stars, his half-lidded eyes felt heavy and wanted to close for a long while, yet still he remained there not letting them close.

His phone was in his room, he couldn't see from here, but he was sure that the screen must be flashing with new messages from that 4 person group of Park, Max, Tul and Lam.

After finding out who was the one behind uploading those videos, those three guys have been doing nothing other than making plans to make Sass's life miserable. 

Lam didn't want to participate in it. 

It felt a futile work. 

Can just beating or punishing someone, stop them from having their fun? No. Clearly not.

After being there outside for more than half an hour, it sunk to him that indeed it is cold outside. Still, he didn't plan on going inside. 

But suddenly he felt someone tapping on his back. 

He was so lost in his blankness that he didn't notice any sound of someone coming closer to him.

Looking back he blinked in surprise. It was Pam, that little girl, who was standing behind him with a lunch box.

Lam forgot to ask her why she was here, Pam didn't mention anything either. She simply forwarded the lunch box from her hands to Lam's.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Food." She answered. "Aunt wasn't home, so I made it."

Lam still didn't get why she was handing it to him.

"It's for you." Pam answered. "Mom said before, you'll fall ill if you eat outside food. So I made it for you. Don't fall ill."

Now Lam blinked even more slowly. "You can co-" He stopped himself midway from asking if she can cook. 

A single mom working in a food stall, of course the child would know how to cook.

Since Lam didn't say anymore Pam opened her mouth to tell him. "My friends said in orphanage someone might adopt me, then I won't be able to meet you. Or cook for you. You will fall ill then."

Lam didn't understand what she was going on about, all he remembered was to warn her. "Didn't I tell you to not come here? It's a boys' dorm."

Instantly Pam's eyes lowered to stare at the ground, Lam went inside the room to get some snacks for her, after giving it he sent her back to her place. 

Then after coming back to his room he stared at the lunch box for a while before turning to get his phone, opening the camera he clicked a photo of the lunch box and sent it to Park. 

While he ate the first bite of the fried rice from the lunch box, Park's call came. 

Lam hesitated for a second before picking it. 

"Lunch box?" Park asked as soon as the call was picked.

"Mm." Lam replied.

"Where did you get it?" 

"Pam gave it."

"You went to meet her alone? Didn't we promise to go together this Sunday?"

"She came on her own."

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