Ch 38 | Shitty Plot

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"So... Park came today, I met him before coming here." Lam started speaking. Telling Beam about what happened.

Since it was Saturday night and Lam already had enough of Park ditching his part time job to come check on him every day, thus Lam decided to spend the weekend with Beam, watching BL series or whatever Beam plans.

And if Forth agrees or not over this, it was none of Lam's concern.

The only thing he knows is that Beam sent a message saying to come to Forth's apartment. And when he came Forth wasn't present. 

Apparently, he was spending the night with Daw, Kiet and Ram.

Therefore, here they started their sleepover with their boyfriends' talk.

"I told him that I would be spending the night here. He dragged me to a corner suddenly and started kissing my neck." Lam pulled at his shirt's collar to show Beam the lovebite Park gave him.

Beam let out a giggle seeing this.

"I didn't understand why he suddenly decided to do this so I asked him. He said it's a mark to let others know I am his."

"Aw-" Before Beam could complete his big 'aw', Lam interrupted him by telling him what he did next.

"So I asked him if that is the reason why Berry used to leave hickeys on his neck before."

Seeing Beam's speechless expression Lam continued to tell everything. "In a rush he said no, but then he closed his mouth and asked instead why I was asking. And I don't know why.
He said Berry is the past, why are we talking about her. And after that though we tried to keep it normal but everything was really awkward."

Beam was still speechless; Lam stopped talking too so for a while both of them stayed in silence until Beam had to speak. "You do know that you should never bring up your partner's exs."

Lam nodded.

"Bringing up past people won't just hurt you but make it difficult for your partner too. I am sure Park must be wondering right now why you suddenly decided to think about her."

Lam nodded again.

"Was that always in your mind?"

Lam nodded, then hurriedly shook his head. "No, I never cared about it before. Even today I wasn't thinking about it but then suddenly, I don't know how, I just said it."

"That just means it has always been in your mind."


"Yes." Beam affirmed, not giving Lam any chance to deny.

Both of them stared at each other for a full minute, not speaking, then once again Beam broke the silence.

"What else is going on in your brain, you know you should say this now rather than in front of your boyfriend."

Lam still didn't speak, how is he to come up with all the questions just because he was asked to speak?

Knowing that Lam wouldn't speak Beam started by telling his own experience. "You know I used to think about these things a lot before, I still do. But not to that extent. Before, like, at the start of my relationship with Forth, I used to always think if I am just a... a phase, in Forth's life. Like he might have gotten bored of girls that is why he's trying me now."

Remembering it all now, Beam thought of himself as stupid. "You might not know but at first we were only sex partners. Nothing else. So I always used to be on my high alert just so I won't do anything that will make him stop this relationship." He licked his lips before continuing. "So when he confessed his love to me all I felt like was... Forth loves me?! Seriously? Or is it just a joke?"

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