Ch 35 | Everything Is Alright

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Hopping a little bit with his mood in high sky, Lam felt that life cannot get any better. Waiting for weekends is a heart wrenching process but when those said weekends come, it's like they give him the sweetest dew of love which prepares him to wait for the next weekend all over again.

Spending time with Park is the best part he most looks forward to, though this weekend they ended up fighting a bit over what to do.

Overall, everything was going well, giving ease to Lam as he hopped to his morning class. On the way he felt some people glancing at him, but it wasn't anything new so he didn't care.

Inside the class sitting beside Forth, greeting Daw and Ram, and even asking on his own accord where Kiet was.

"He was too busy scrolling tik-tok so we left him alone." Ram answered with a scoff.

Lam nodded then they started talking. They were immersed in their talk that only Daw noticed Kiet finally coming inside the class, although in a rush.

He came and sat beside Daw, staring at Lam, seeing that Lam was in a light mood talking with Ram, Kiet started fidgeting in his seat. Again and again glancing at Lam then looking down at his phone, opening his mouth but then not speaking.

Daw noticed this all and nudged him with his elbow, cocking his eyebrows up and down when he gained Kiet's attention.

Kiet pursed his lips at first then he gave his phone to Daw together with the ear plug. Daw looked down and saw the tik-tok app opened on the screen. He was about to give the phone back to Kiet when his eyes fell on one of the saved videos.

He clicked it right away and increased the volume, keeping the ear plug fit in his ear.

There was a moment of silence as Daw closed his eyes and as Kiet stared at him in anticipation of what to do next.

Then Daw opened his eyes and gave the phone directly to Lam, making Kiet flinch.

It only took a look for Lam's face to lose all the colors. He hasn't even clicked on the video but just from the image on it he knew what it was about.

Two men standing by the pool, it was dark so the faces weren't clear but Lam doesn't need light to know whose faces they were.

Because in the video it was him and Park.

His heart has already started beating loudly when he clicked on the video. Once listening to the yelling sound of his own, he almost went on a panic attack. But the thing was his face became emotionless, not letting others know what he was feeling.

The video showed his vulnerable self, him crying his eyes out as he yelled at Park, asking why he was enjoying that fucking stripper dance. He raised his fist but couldn't hit as his whole body was trembling.

Did I really look so weak? Lam thought.

"Do you even see me as your boyfriend?" The video ended at this scene. As if telling others that the next scene will only leave them in pain. Or perhaps they cut the video here because it'd be more fun to guess what the answer will be.

No matter what the video updater thought, Lam only knew that the video right now had views above thousands, and the comments were around 800. It means 800 people wrote their thoughts on Lam and Park's argument.

It is funny how humans' moods can change from heaven down to earth from a single event.

"We should report it." Ram's voice came from beside Lam but Lam wasn't in the right state to respond. All he was thinking was how many people saw this video, his crying face and Park's helpless expression.

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