Extra 4 | Childhood

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If a few years back someone has said to Beam that he'll find his true love, then Beam would have replied with a mild expression, saying, 'it's good.'
However he wouldn't have believed it.

If someone had said to Beam of a year ago that he will fight with his true love, Forth, then Beam would have still replied with a mild smile, saying, "it's ok.'

However again he wouldn't believe it.

But, right now that it was happening for real what he felt was 'it was bound to happen sooner or later.'

"You find me annoying, don't you? I know I am annoying. Nobody says it but I know everyone thinks the same. You are tired of me too, right?"

Beam shouted at Forth who stood in front of him, not knowing what to say. "If you regret loving me, being with me then you should say it! I'll leave."

"I don't want you to lea-"

"You are lying!" Beam cut off Forth's words; he wasn't in the right mind to listen to him. "I know you are lying. If you really love me then why aren't we living together? It's our third year together, but we are still living in different places. Look at Lam and Park, those two were way behind us but now they started a family."

Forth stepped closer wanting to hug the crying Beam. But Beam stepped away. "Do you know what your name is saved as in my phone?"

"FH" Forth replied.

"Oh so you do know. But you never cared enough to ask me what those initials are for." Beam's teary eyes looked accusingly at Forth.
"Tell me what my name is saved as in your phone."

"Beam." Forth this time tried to grab Beam's hand but Beam jerked his hand away, not letting Forth to touch it.

"Yes, it's saved as 'Beam'. But every other person that matters to you has a nickname there. Friend K, Friend D, Friend R, and for Lam you went further, 'Headache'. But for me you couldn't even use a heart emoji. Just an emoji would've made all the difference but am I not worth it?"

"Calm down, it's not what you are thinking."

"No! It is what I am saying!" After shouting loudly and seeing Forth's dazed expression, Beam wiped his tears away, trying to calm himself.
"I don't wanna break up. I wanna live with you." He whispered, almost like a pleading. "Yet I can't help but wonder why it's always just me? Why am I the one always feeling insecure and jealous? Why am I the one to always want to keep meeting you? Missing you? Why just me? Why we can't love equally?"

Hearing such questions Forth's mind stopped functioning.

Beam waited for his answers but when he met silence he stepped out of Forth's apartment. Walking out without even taking his car keys or wallet.

Not knowing where he was going, he just started walking.

He walked and walked, and only realized where he had come when he saw a familiar face.

"What are you doing here?" Lam asked Beam.

Beam finally came out of his stupor and started looking around, he didn't know when but he had somehow walked all the way to Lam's place, and right now he was standing out of his door.

"You can stand there all day long but take off your finger from the doorbell."

Beam jerked his head to the direction Lam pointed and saw his own hand on Lam's doorbell, continuously ringing it.

"Sorry." He said as he moved his hand away.

"Did something happen?" Lam asked as he saw Beam's red eyes.

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