Ch 15 | I Love You

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A suffocating pain came from Lam's chest. As if his whole body was weighted down by something. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't move, nor could he open his eyes. It was painful and frightening. He wanted to open his eyes and see where he was.

After trying for a long time he was finally able to crack open his eyes, but it was too dark so he couldn't see. 

After a while of waiting he saw that it was his room, dark and eerie, moving his eyes to look at his chest he saw a head full of white hair pressing his body.

At first he was frightened, then gathering his strength he pushed that white head away from his chest. In doing so that white head with its white body fell on the floor and made a really stupid noise.

"Wah, wha... what happened?!" Park jumped up from the floor in his half sleep state and looked around in total confusion.

With the voice and the stupid familiar expression Lam was able to recognize the white head. "Park?"

"Yeah?" Park answered while massaging his waist. "Why did you kick..." Before he could complete his question Lam threw all the pillows at him.

"Fuck you!" Pillow weren't enough so he threw his phone at Park too, though Park caught it in his hands. 

"Don't you know you shouldn't put pressure on someone's chest while they are sleeping? And what's with your hair? Fuck it! Just tell me how come you are here?!!"

Lam was really angry, after all it is not always that someone scares the hell out of him. He still cannot believe what he got scared with actually this bastard's hair!

Park didn't mind Lam's anger, he got up from the floor and again laid down on Lam's bed, putting his head on Lam's lap as he answered with no interest. 

"Didn't I tell you to wait for me?" He snuggled on his lap to find a comfortable position before continuing. "It's so cold, why does this room not have any heater? And your bed is so small, with two quilts there was no space for two men to sleep. I could only lay down on you."

His complaining made Lam annoyed, his lips pursed into a tight line as he fight between the thought of kicking him out of his room or not.

In the end his eyes fell on his phone whose screen was lit, he read the time and decided to get up for his job.

As he got ready and went out to get breakfast from that Porridge shop, Park was dead asleep on his bed, not caring whatever was going on in the world.

Lam didn't bring breakfast for him as he knows Park will wake up at lunch's time.

He got up to leave, as he grabbed his shoes he looked back at the figure sleeping on his bed. Leaving without telling is not good, but waking up this guy right now would be useless, and taking out a page to write a message is even more of a hurdle so Lam took out his phone and left a message there.

After that he once again gazed at the sleeping figure and didn't know why but felt really warm inside. 

He has been leaving his room to go on part time jobs this whole week, so every time when he looked back at his room it gave a lonely feeling. A home without any person is empty.

That's why looking back and seeing someone there, who might still be there when he comes back is really a happiness hard to achieve.

So this day, when doing his job he was in a good mood, his efficiency made the boss praise him. On break he took out his phone to see if Park has read his message, but guess that guy was still sleeping.

At half past one Lam's phone started vibrating. Most of the times it is the trio who likes to have conference calls and add him in it. Then for an hour or two they will continue to talk meaninglessly. Since Lam doesn't want them to disturb his work he keeps his phone on vibrate mode.

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