Ch 24 | A New Entry

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Sitting on the couch of the living room, a young woman was watching the boys sitting across her.

Park, her ex-boyfriend was peeling the lychee for the boy sitting beside him. And that boy, Lam, was again and again glancing at the maid.

What kinda love-triangle was this?

"Peel one for me too." Said Berry, Park's ex-girlfriend in a coquettish way.

Park didn't even look at her. "You have two damn hands, use them."

"He has his hands too."

"Are you blind? Can't you see his sling?" Park sneered.

Berry sneered back, "I never thought a day would come where you would turn g..."

Before she could finish her words Lam slammed his palm on the table. The sound made both Park and Berry taken by surprise. Both of them flinched then turned to face Lam.

"Remember your surroundings." Lam said seriously.

Slowly they glanced at the maid, who was standing there looking at them all.

Park sent a glare towards her, making her run away inside the kitchen understanding Park's hint.

"Tch! Because of you I went out of my good lady character." She whispered yelled at Park.

Park rolled his eyes. Then peeled another lychee, pinching it in his two fingers he put it in front of Lam's mouth, waiting for Lam to bite on it.

Another 'tch' came out of Berry's mouth.

Lam gazed at Park, a bit confused, then once again stretched his neck and bite on it.

Earlier when Park had announced the sudden visit of Berry; Lam, who had read enough novels to know that past lovers' entry is never a good turn of events. He messaged his teacher Beam and told him about this situation.

Park was driving the car so he didn't notice whom Lam was talking with.

Beam was as always really enthusiastic about his teaching, even though he doesn't have even a bit of experience in dealing with ex-lovers as both Forth and Beam never had any previous relationships. But the way he taught Lam was like as if he was a master of it.

'You have to show your sovereignty on Park at any moment possible. Let that girl know who the owner is now!'

Park is not some pet dog that Lam can become his owner but still Lam was determined to show he was the owner!

However a problem arises here, how to show his sovereignty?

Lam used all of his brain to come up with some ideas, and the only thing he could think of was to stick closer to Park the whole time, not letting his ex come any closer to them.

But who knew the moment they reached home Park would turn the table by doing everything Lam should've. Like sitting with Lam, making the ex sit across them, peeling fruits for Lam and feeding him, this was something this young master always made the maid do it.

Not just that since the moment they came here, both Park and Berry has been barking off like two dogs. It was like they weren't some ex-lovers meeting to reminisce about the past, instead two enemies, showing hostility right off the bat.

"Let's go to your room. I don't want your maid to eavesdrop on us."

His room? Lam thought isn't this the plot where the ex lovers go to a closed space then unintentionally they started feeling the heat and start doing stuff they did in the past.

Hurriedly Lam turned his head which was hard to do with the brace. 

He looked at Park, feeling Park would not agree with her, after all since the beginning he kept this ex far away from him.

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