Ch 36 | Whose Fault?

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Seeing the little girl holding that expression which held no emotions only a slight daze or perhaps confusion as to what was going on there. Lam didn't even realize that he used to have the same eyes, dead like darkness.

He left the place in utter blankness, with hurried steps. He once again wanted to run to Park. Just like how he did a few days ago, running to Park at night. But if he did that too much then his mother might get suspicious, Lam doesn't want another trouble on his head for now.

He doesn't even know how they are gonna deal with coming out to Park's parents, because he never thought about it.

Just why do they need to come out? Why does it sound so extra? Can't they normally introduce each other as their boyfriend?

This all was too much for him. He made sure to sleep tightly keeping his mind as empty as it can be.

The next morning, sitting in class he thought he would be able to hold back till lunch, just why is he even thinking of running to Park every time he finds problems? He used to handle himself alright in the past so why having a lover made him so weak and frail? Can't he control himself on his own?

Thus no matter how much he felt like leaving the class still he sat there. Controlling himself, he can't be weak.

I used to handle everything on my own, I would be fine.

Because of his handling things on his own he stopped talking to others. No one tried to pry him open either because they were used to Lam trying to be alone in times of trouble.

Giving thoughts to these various problems was problematic in itself so he chose to keep his mind empty again, not thinking anything, like this everything would be solved.

This was going well until he left the sight of his friends as they made their way to their homes. He was at a road side noodles store, taking it as his dinner. He made sure to not think of the porridge store.

While he was eating, some of his fourth year seniors showed up, they were passing by but when they noticed Lam they came with big gestures of 'hi'.

"Didn't know we'd meet you here!" One of the seniors started, placing his hand on Lam's shoulder which Lam ruthlessly pushed away, making the mood spoil.

Every one of them went quiet at Lam's behavior. But Lam didn't even know their names.

"Look showing attitude to us, your seniors. Makes one wonder if it was really you crying over a boy."

Lam knew where this was going now.

The seniors circled around him while they ordered food too, just to make it that they weren't here for Lam instead to have dinner. Then another one of them touched the previous topic.

"Is it true you have a boyfriend? We never knew Ming's stories were real."

"Nah, it wasn't real, after all in his stories he showed Lam as the one giving, but after watching that video everyone can guess who's the one taking." The previous senior, whose hand Lam pushed away, spoke while turning his one hand in a fist and pointing the middle finger of the other inside that fist hole.

Another senior slapped away his hands to stop him from doing that. "Stop with the topic, let's just eat in silence."

Everyone laughed at it as if he spoke a joke.

After a minute of talking with each other another senior patted Lam's back to gain his attention. "You know, it's better to break up with those kinds of people. Begging him to change wouldn't do anything, next time he would just make sure to hide it from you."

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