Ch 7 |Lam A Mental Retard

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A big house in a suburban area, beautified by the flower garden, which calls forth the butterflies and dragonflies. When you go inside a servant is standing by to open the door for you. 

Even if you are not their important guest a maid will still come with a glass of juice to give you. The aesthetic design of the house makes you wonder if you are dressed properly.

Lam also looked down at himself and saw his dirty shoes on the white marble floor. For a moment he really wanted to go back and buy new shoes.
Then he looked at Park who didn't even take off his shoes and started walking inside as if this house belonged to him. 

Well it indeed belonged to him.

Lam didn't behave like Park; he took off his shoes and wore the indoor slippers the maid put in front of him. So soft.

Then he followed Park and sat on the sofa in the living room. The beautiful maid followed behind him and didn't leave till Lam took the glass of juice from her. 

He took a sip of it and... it was 100% original juice! Lam peeked around then seeing that there was no one other than Park; he finished the glass in a breath, really tasty.

"Want more?" Park whispered in his ear.

Lam shoved him aside and said while hiding his previous expression. "No need."

Park chuckled lightly.

In a moment a lady's voice came from upstairs. "What is the occasion, you came back early?" It was Park's mother.

Before she came down, Lam started to imagine that it must be a sexy lady in a beautiful dress, who, even though is in her forties but looks like in her thirties.

His imagination was so great that when the lady came, his face couldn't help but show disappointment.

Well, Park's mother indeed was beautiful and looks younger than her age but she was wearing some loose everyday clothing not like how a rich lady in Lam's mind was supposed to be.

It was a good thing that her attention was on Park so she didn't notice Lam's disappointment.

She came and pinched Park's ear making him yelp in pain. "You again went to the bar."

Park shook her hand that was pinching his ear. "I didn't, I didn't. Who told you?"

The grip of his mother now became more painful, Park started shrieking loudly. "Does it look like I can't smell? With this odor of alcohol on you, you still dare to lie to your mother, wait for your father, he will take care of you!"

Seeing this scene Lam realized rich mothers are still mothers.

He enjoyed the expression on Park's face, and felt pleased, finally there was someone who can beat this bastard for him.

Mothers live on!

However, the entertainment ended really soon as Park found the way out by mixing Lam in. "Mom, Mom! My friend is here." His mother glanced at Lam but didn't let go of Park's ear. "He is here to eat your cooking! I told him my mother makes the world's best food!!"

His mother finally let go of Park's ear and smiled at Lam. "You both didn't have dinner when it's already so late?" Lam nodded lightly.
Park's mother's smile became more kind now. "You must be hungry, wait for a while; I'll make something for you."

Like this his mother left for the kitchen. Park rubbed his ear. "You left a good impression on her."

Lam raised his eyebrow. Don't kid with him ok? He didn't say a single word from start to end, not even greeting her and you are saying he made a good impression, how? With his face?

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