Ch 13 | Sweet Misunderstandings

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"There's a mark on your neck."

Lam pointed at Park's neck, then instantly he pulled back his finger, started eating his food and behaved like it doesn't really matter to him.

Park was confused at first, he took out his phone to use the camera and saw what Lam was talking about.

On the screen he saw a red mark on his neck and yelled out in surprise. "Shit! That girl!"

'Girl', Lam's movements paused for a second, then he continued eating.

Park at first was rubbing at the hickey, Lam didn't know what he was thinking. He wanted to ask who that girl is, but he has always been quite conscious of the boundary, or more like, personal space. He wouldn't ask him unless Park tries to share it on his own.

He continued eating his food in a hurry, what it tasted like he doesn't know. Earlier he was looking forward to eating with Park but now he only wanted to leave him alone. Such drastic change in mood made Lam confused of his own thoughts.

On the other hand, Park, when done with cursing that girl in his mind, noticed that Lam has almost finished his meal. He wanted to joke around, the food won't run away he can eat slowly but then he saw Lam's totally blank face.

Honestly, if Park has noticed something about Lam's personality then it will be that Lam likes to always put a distance with others, from his expression to his cold eyes, from his far away body to his closed heart, Lam would make sure to never let anyone break his barrier.

Though for Park, Lam himself left the barrier. But nowadays he is getting more inside that barrier again. He wants to put a distance between them both.

But why? Park tried to think. Then suddenly he recalled the message Lam sent a while back. Something about don't think of threesome, foursome or I'll tell your mother.

Tul said that Lam was disgusted by his sleeping around, he would find Park dirty if Park continue this, that's why Lam sent the message.

Park's gears started working and he realized that perhaps Lam was thinking Park slept with someone else when he saw this mark on his neck, and he found him dirty, and is reconsidering about their sexual relationship. No wonder he is being so cold!

Finally he understood why Lam was mad. Till the time he realized it Lam had already finished his meal, he even got up to leave.
Park hurriedly grabbed his hand and pulled his to sit back, but to his astonishment no matter how hard he pulled Lam didn't even move an inch. Park's eyes widened, this guy's strength surpassed the boss of this university!

However right now wasn't the time to think about it, if he cannot use his strength then he better use his mouth!

"You are misunderstanding here!" He yelled as soon as Lam flinched his hand back out of Park's grasp.

Lam looked down at Park from the corner of his eyes, the usual feeling of interest and warmness now gone from it.

Park gulped seeing his cold eyes. "I didn't sleep around. After I met you I've almost stopped sleeping with others."

Lam raised one of his eyebrows. "Almost?" He repeated in a questioning manner, himself not knowing why he asked that.

Park realized his blunder, hurried up to correct it instantly. "I mean totally! Now that I have you I won't sleep around with others anymore." After all a fixed sex partner is always better than having multiple partners.

He didn't dare speak that last line out loud, Lam also didn't know what was going inside his mind, but hearing Park's these words he blinked and in the next moment his cold distant eyes weren't as cold anymore.

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