Ch 9 | A Hickey

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Lam didn't ask any questions to Park, nor did Park say a word. Lam started his bike, driving it to his place, and Park followed him all the way on his bike.

When they reached the place, they got off at the same time then walked side by side inside the dorm.

Lam took out the door key and put it in the key hole but his hand was trembling a little, after trying for the second time he still couldn't put it inside the keyhole.

Irritated by his own inability Lam pursed his lips tightly. Then as he was once again going to try, a hand gently pulled away the key.

Park started using the key.

Lam looked at his face, then grabbed Park's collar, pulled him towards himself and started kissing him deeply.

Taken by surprise Park let go of the key, making it fall to the floor, then he held Lam's waist, returning his kiss. After kissing for a minute Park pulled away from Lam's lips, making Lam send him a displeased look.

"Wait till we go inside." Park whispered in his hoarse voice as he bent down to pick up the key. He put it in the keyhole managing to open the lock.

Lam was feeling impatient tonight, he didn't listen to Park and started sucking the crook of his neck, Park chuckled and held his waist tightly as he pushed Lam inside. Then slamming Lam on the door he started fucking his mouth with his tongue.

As if in a hurry Lam grabbed Park's shirt and started opening his buttons, but he, who couldn't even put the key into the keyhole, how can he open the buttons, so in the end he used too much strength and two buttons fell down.

Park didn't tease him about it, he patiently opened Lam's shirt's buttons, sliding the shirt to the floor as he started tracing Lam's nipples with his fingers. Not pinching them or rubbing them; he was simply tracing the tip with his fingers, sometimes grazing it with his nails.

This was driving Lam crazy, he wanted pleasure, he didn't know why he was in such a hurry but he wanted Park to fuck him right away.

Knowing his desire, Lam's hand went to Park's pant, after throwing the belt away he didn't care about opening the button or zip, directly stuffing his hands inside.

Park grunted loudly then licked Lam's jaw, giving him an order. "Suck me."

He didn't need to say it; Lam was already planning to do it. He squatted down, pulled Park's pant down with his underwear, and took the already hard dick into his mouth.

Park loves Lam's mouth; he didn't wait and started thrusting into him. Lam made sure to busy his hands, he put his hands into his pants and started fingering himself. Preparing his hole in advance for Park to fuck him.

Park was seeing it all from above and even patted Lam's head. "When did I turn you into my bitch?" He laughed.

Lam glared at him and let go of his dick, moving his mouth to Park's thigh, and biting him there. Of course his bite wasn't like that of Park's, making him bleed, instead it just left behind teeth marks, but that was enough to make Park hiss in pain.

He once again grabbed Lam's head, clenched his hair and thrusting his dick inside. "Be good, or I'll fuck you till you cry for me to stop."

Lam smirked, daring Park with his eyes to try.

Then Lam pushed away Park's dick from his mouth and stood up, his hands on the door and his back facing Park, "Fuck me." He demanded.

Park slapped loudly onto his ass cheek, then spreading them apart for him to see the hole clearly, he then slapped onto the hole and whispered to Lam. "Say, daddy fuck your son, only then I'll satisfy you."

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