Ch 27 | Excuse Me

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"Fast, fast! Use your hands fast!" Shouted Park's boss at him. "Didn't I tell you, the owner of this bike will come today? And you still dare not work last night!"

"It was an emergency!" Park shouted while checking the break of the bike.

"He's lying." Max butted in, sitting around idly.

"Yeah, he was at his guy's place, must be busy fucking." Tul didn't remain behind.

As soon as these words came out, the boss and other workers looked at Park in confusion. "Guy's place?"

"Yeah, he turned gay." Max laughed.

Park sneered at them. But before he could say anything his boss lightly kicked his back to get him to concentrate on work.

"Is he hot?" One of the workers asked Tul. When Tul nodded his head that worker licked his lips, "How about letting me meet him sometime?"

His words weren't finished when his head was hit by a screw driver. Looking back he saw Park glaring at him. Instantly he raised his hands in the air, "Just kidding, joking."

Once Park was back to focus on his work, that worker whispered to Tul and Max. "He's serious?"

Both of them shrugged their shoulders, they don't know.

Park started working at this garage a week or two ago, he doesn't remember clearly as he's too busy to remember such things.

He wants to earn money by his own work, not ask his parents for it.

The other reason for him to start working is for Lam. 

Lam's friends are now his social media friends; they told him that next month in March is Lam's birthday. But as they had exams they weren't able to celebrate his birthday last year.

This year too they don't think they'll be able to celebrate. So as they think Park is Lam's boyfriend, they gave this task to Park.

Park happily took the task.

But the problem is, he wants to celebrate it in a grand style, however Lam wouldn't like it. He'll talk about money again as he did during their hot spring trip.

Therefore, to assure Lam that he isn't using his parents' money, he needs to earn money himself.

This wasn't hard for Park. Instead he is kinda happy to step in the adult world.

While he was looking for jobs, there were many cafes and stores jobs, but he knew he wasn't made for them.

If he wanted he could also work in his father's company. But, hell, he's not gonna put up with his parents there too.

So when he found this mechanic job, he knew he was meant to be here.

He's doing Mechanical Engineering, so this part time job is really right for him. One of the guys in their gang is the brother of the boss here. They recommended Park, thus he got the job.

It's nothing much, since he's a junior they aren't letting him handle major parts to work on. He only gets to take care of some small parts, just giving service and all.

So the thing that actually is keeping him busy are these bossy seniors ordering him around. Park cannot do anything other than obeying them as this is what all new workers do.

With both the pressure of college and work, Park couldn't find any time for Lam. Only he knew how much he wanted to go and put his head on Lam's chest and fall asleep while feeling Lam's chest rising up and down.

Such comfort he never felt before meeting Lam.

He wanted to go and check Lam's hand; after a month of hand sling he wanted to see how Lam was doing without it now.

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