Ch 12 | Busy

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Monday morning, Tul was as fresh and ready for classes as any other day. Max was still sleeping when Tul left the room and came out to go to his university. 

When he came to the classroom he saw Park already sitting inside. He wasn't surprised by this. In their group Park is the most punctual about early morning classes, why? Because his mother has taken the duty of waking him up every morning. She never lets him be late.

There was a time when Tul and Max stayed over at Park's place, then the next morning his mother took the duty to wake them up too. Max who sleeps like dead, had water poured on him, only so that they won't be late.

Since then they have made sure to not go to Park's place anymore.

Park was sitting on the mid row, his phone in his hand as he looked particularly serious. Tul went to him and sat on the chair beside his. "What are you looking so serious for?"

Park didn't even turn his face to see him, he simply replied as he stared at his phone screen. "Just thinking what to reply."

Tul, who was taking out a book from his bag, stopped his action midway to give a look to Park. "You are thinking what to reply?" He repeated before raising his voice. "Seriously? When did you start thinking before replying?"

Park kicked him from under the chair. "I always think before replying."

Tul didn't believe it. "Oh yeah? But why do I still remember how you sent me girls' nude pics when I asked you for notes."

"Well at that time I really thought you asked for nudes. I mean who would ask me for notes?" Park snorted at him.

"And if at that time you had given it a thought, just used your mind for even a second then you would have known why I would not ask you for nudes! It's me not Max or others!" Tul snorted back at him.

Thinking about it now, Park really does find it weird. "Well, you enjoyed it, right?"

"Fuck you!" Tul shifted away from him. "And do those girls know whose pictures you are sending to everyone?"

"I downloaded it from internet. Only some idiots will send their nudes with their face clear on them."

Tul didn't want to talk anymore about nudes so early in the morning, so he brought the topic back to Park. "Whose message you are thinking about?"

Park didn't answer he directly gave him his phone. Tul glanced at the name, 'Lam' and scoffed. "Knew it."

"What?" Park asked but Tul ignored him. He looked down at the message that Park was thinking about so seriously.

'Don't you dare think about any threesome or foursome or else I'll tell your mother!'

"Threesome and foursome?" Tul turned to send him a disdainful look. "You again started group ones?" 

Then he thought about how Lam said to Park to not think about it. Does that mean Park talked about it with Lam? More like he invited Lam for this?

Tul's eyes widened. No wonder Lam threatened to tell Park's mother. But then Park didn't reply, but was thinking seriously about it. What was he thinking seriously about? How to make Lam agree with this?

Tul's brain worked better than ever, more like his imagination reached a higher point. He glared at Park as he shouted. "Fuck Park, do you want to turn Lam into another you?! How dare you invite him for threesome! Will you only stop when your father really tells your mother about it?!"

Tul started shouting; he was so loud that others turned to look at them both. It was a good think all of them are boys, and know Park's habit, if girls were here then the misunderstanding would have started raising.

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