Ch 39 | Do You Love Me?

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"Why are you here?" Lam asked seeing Beam walking to their table.

It has been more than a month since Beam joined them on their table, mostly it was Forth who would go to the medical canteen.

"Is that a question you'd ask someone who's joining you for lunch?" Beam snorted at Lam while going round the table to sit beside Forth.

Forth gave him a peck on his neck before walking away to get something for Beam to eat. 

While Forth was away Lam took a look at Beam's neck then asked in curiosity, "How did you hide your hickeys, I saw it yesterday, Forth made so many."

Beam only gave him an unamused look for talking about this here. While Kiet and Ram started snickering. "You have a boyfriend and you still don't know how to hide such things?"

Kiet laughed at this more. "You should see him every Monday morning coming to class with his neck full of the evidence of what he did last night."

Beam sighed in hopelessness at Lam and went to sit beside him to teach him everything about makeup.

In between his learning Lam forgot about Park, that he hasn't messaged or called Park to ask if he was coming today again.

On the other hand Park had his phone on the table, his hands crossed against his chest and a serious expression on his face as he stared at the phone.

"What is he doing?" Max asked as he sat on the bench. 

Tul shrugged his shoulders. "Perhaps waiting for his lunch to jump out of the phone?"

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really."

Max laughed, a fake one, Tul rolled his eyes and didn't care.

"Let me guess, you are waiting for Lam's call!" This time Max spoke directly to Park, even going ahead to get his attention by shoving his shoulder.

It was good Park didn't lose his balance. Though in reply he grunted as affirmation.

"Why didn't you go to his uni for lunch today?" Tul joined the conversation.

"To let him know I am mad." 

"What happened to your, 'Lam doesn't seem to be right nowadays, I want him to know I'm there for him always?'" Tul acted like Park when he'd said this.

Hearing this Park pursed his lips, not knowing how to retort.

Max on the other hand came forward to help Park. "So what? It's already been more than a week, and he's trying his hardest to help him, now can't he be a bit willful? Lam isn't a girl where Park needs to cater to his every need. They are both men! It should be equal-equal!" 

Shouting, Max pulled Park to him, hugging his shoulder to show his support. "I'm with you bro. Lam needs to show his love too!"

"That's what you wanted from your ex right?" Tul bluntly let the truth come to light, spoiling Max's expression as he slumped on the table and let out a whine.

"It was always me doing everything for her, even then she had the nerve to break up with me giving the reason that I don't give my 100 percent in this relationship." 

Tul ignored this crying ass and looked at Park. "Why are you mad at Lam?"

Park didn't want to answer at first but keeping his anger inside isn't something he's used to. "Didn't you see yesterday, how he was going against me just to help that kid who obviously has a crush on him."

"Man both of you are such idiots, just tell me why I'm still your friend!" Tul sighed in frustration, "He's just a teen, you weren't even sure if he was behind this all. Still you were ready to punch him. Of course Lam will stop you."

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