Extra 5 | Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

My family sucks. Having two dads and to top it, both of them are crazy.

Today was my birthday but rather than inviting my friends for a party they invited their friends.
That means a crowd of middle aged men came to celebrate the birthday of a 15 years old.

Well it isn't much surprising, I am already happy that at least this time they didn't forget like all the other times.

But what really upset me was that none of them came with any gifts!!! Uwah I hate them. How can there be a bday party without any presents?!!!

And dad Lam didn't even allow grandpa to come. Grandpa is the only person who is sane in this family but he wasn't allowed!

At least he did send money in my account.

Other than this the only gift I got is from sister Pam, she gave me you. This diary.

She said I should make a habit of writing in here so that when I get a phone I'll be able to write blogs.

But I have no interest in writing blogs!
And writing a diary is so girlish!

Though I didn't dare say it in front of them, if I did then Dad Lam wouldn't talk with me for a whole week.

In conclusion, they suck.



Dear diary,

Today granny came to visit. When I asked her why sister Pam could get a phone at the age of 10 but I can't.

She said it's because boys get spoiled when they have phones or any access to things that give freedom.

Apparently, she's scared I'll start frequenting bars just like father Park.

Now I know why I have a strict curfew.

Granny sucks.



Dear diary,

I thought my family couldn't get any worse but oh boy was I wrong.

While I was calling father Park for dinner he said to me that I am not young anymore.
Getting called father from a 15 years old boy, it makes him feel old.

So he asked me to call him Brother Park just like sister Pam.

Fuck him!

An old man will still be old no matter what I call him!

He sucks! He sucks the most in this family!!!



Dear diary,

It is the second time that Cherry bit me this month. I don't get it why we have a boerboel in our home! Even after being trained by a professional trainer every month, that stupid dog hasn't learned anything.

Every time she sniffs a cat's smell on me she goes crazy!

It's not my fault that I am a cat lover not a dog!

Fuck it! I can't even get a cat just because we have that stupid dog.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

This dog sucks!



Dear diary,

I saw something horrible today. Oh my god I can't believe why I had to see it???

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