Ch 22 | Cute-Little Boyfriend

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The next morning Park left Lam asleep and went to his university. Once again he took many days off and now before a letter reach his mother for more fees, he needs to attend some classes.

Going inside the class he saw Tul was already there as usual. When Tul noticed him he was surprised. "You came? I thought you'll spend all your time with your Little Lam on bed."

"Hey, only I can call him that." Park chided. "And he's in a hospital bed. What do you think I can do there?"

Tul gave him a disgust filled look. Both of them sat together waiting for the third person.

When Max came Tul was again filled with surprise, this time Park too. There were red fingers mark on his cheek.

"Who hit you this early in the morning?" Park asked, yawningly.

Max pursed his lips not speaking, but when Tul asked him he gave up and opened his mouth to speak.

Before him though Park spoke first. "Fuck, when I asked you didn't tell, now Tul asked and you changed your mind."

After that dream he had last night, he was somehow keen on noticing these things about his friends.

Max rolled his eyes and ignored him, answering to Tul. "It was Pia."

Pia is his girlfriend. Started dating in this winter vacation.

"Why did she slap you?" Tul asked. Before Max could say Park again opened his slap-desiring mouth.

"Why are you so interested in his matter? I remember you never liked such talk."

"Shut up." Tul scolded him then again turning to Max.

"We broke up." Max sighed.

"Why?" Tul asked again.

And once again before Max could answer Park spoke. He remembered last night's dream, what chances are there that you saw an event in dream and it became reality in the morning?

Break up, then the reason...

"You called Tul's name while fucking her!!"

Max, "Wh-what?"

Tul, "Fuck you. What shit have you been onto?"

Max kicked Park with great strength while yelling. "Do you think everyone is like you? And fuck, fuck! Why would I call Tul's name?!"

Tul also hit Park, yelling together with Max. "Did you eat shit in breakfast?! That is why you're vomiting it out on us now?"

"It was a joke, a joke!" Park hurried to save his ass.

"Fuck your joke!" Both Max and Tul shouted in unison.

Thus, in evening when Park went back to the hospital, Lam asked him. "Why are there more injuries on your face?"

"Max and Tul ganged up to beat me." Park whined, rubbing his face on Lam's palm for some comfort.

Lam slapped his mouth, taking back his hand to himself, while glaring at him. "My friends are still here, don't forget."

Ram and Kiet were here before Park came, now they went to buy some drinks for themselves. Park knows Lam doesn't like PDA, so he controlled himself to not be seen by others.

"So why did she break up?" Lam asked, going back to Max's matter. Park sighed remembering the absurd reason. "Because he didn't give her time." Park grumbled. "I occupied my gang the whole week. In this time Max didn't pick up her calls or reply to her. So she broke up because she didn't want a boyfriend who is never there for her."

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