Ch 31 | Celebration Of Lam's Birthday

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What happened later was not much, Lam treated it like it really was his birthday today. He couldn't tell Park the truth as the guy was being really enthusiastic over celebrating it. 

How can Lam have the heart to drop cold water over Park's excitement.

So, basically it was decided that it doesn't matter if he's celebrating today or tomorrow.

"Look there." Park pointed, showing him the pool in the backyard. "I remember you liked that hot spring pool the most, so I made sure to rent this place, because it has such a big pool with the same functions!"

Right now Park was showing him around the house, there are three floors, the first two are locked, he only rented the third floor with the pool. 

"You know what, I paid for it with my earnings! I worked at a garage just so I can give you a surprise with the whole of my efforts." He didn't feel an ounce of shame in lying. 

There's no way he could have paid for this place just from the little meagre earning he got from working a month there. 
He had to use his pocket money, given by his parents to get this place. But there is no way he is going to tell Lam this. 

"Are you surprised? Because I was doing a part-time job?" He asked with the hope glimmering in his eyes.

Honestly, none of his surprises hit the right place.

About his part-time job, Lam already had a hunch, there's no way he would be surprise now.

But too bad he doesn't know how to fake his expressions, or how to use words to satisfy this person's expectant reaction.

"Yeah." In the end he could only spat out this with a neutral expression. 

Park didn't seem to mind his lack of response. He continued on showing off the place while bragging about his job and how much pressure he had. And how much pain he felt to lie to Lam and not being able to meet him 'cause he had to do work overtime most of the days. 

Then there was the pressure of studying and not to forget his mother. His mother gave him all the more pressure to study and not go out, even trying to stop him from this job, since according to her they are giving money to him, why does he need to work now when his exams are coming.

And then when Little Lam asked so cutely to free up the weekends for him, and come for lunches too, it made him so damn happy that for a moment he really was thinking of stopping his work.

But then he didn't give up, he stood on his decision and completed this one month of his job and now he's able to celebrate Lam-Lam's birthday with his own money.

Overall, he continued to brag about himself.

When they went back to the room which Park paid to get decorated, they cut the cake. 

It was a red velvet cake, just looking at it made Lam stay away from it. Moreover, they just had pastries at dinner so he didn't feel like eating the cake. 

Still cutting it gave him a weird feeling. Like he found out that it's only when you cut the cake, do you realize that it's your birthday. Though it's really not.

Park also didn't feel like eating it, but his playful nature got the best of him, and ended up smearing the bit of red cream on Lam's jaw. 

The glare he received later taught him to better clean it or it won't be just a glare he would receive.

However, again his playful nature got the better of him, and rather than cleaning, he ended up licking Lam's jaw. Then what kind of event it led to isn't much of a surprise.

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