Ch 34 | Favorite Drink

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"What are you doing here?" Beam asked in exertion, giving a slight pleading look but Lam didn't understand why.

"You weren't coming to the Engineering faculty so I came here." Lam answered as he sat beside Phana, across Beam and Kit. He didn't even notice how Phana was glaring at him, while Kit hasn't once raised his head to look at him.

Beam sighed, looking down, not speaking again. Lam had a bag with him in which there were drinks that he bought. He placed one in front of Beam, another in front of Kit and took the third one for himself. Then zipping the bag close he started sipping on his drink.

"What about mine?" Phana asked in disbelief.

Lam shrugged his shoulders, "He said he was with Kit, didn't say you were also here."

Gritting his teeth Phana hissed, "We are a trio, we stay together."

"Then who stays with your boyfriend?"

At this Phana almost flipped the table, before he could really do this Beam slammed the drink in front of him. "Take it."

Phana stared at the drink for two seconds then got up, "I am going to buy one." He left, not before snorting at Lam.

"He's childish." Lam commented.

Beam corrected him. "No, that's just you pissing him off."

Lam shrugged. Both of them started drinking their drinks while chatting a bit, when Beam noticed that Kit wasn't drinking, well, it wasn't anything new these days, but the strange thing was, he was staring at the bottle while gripping it tight in his hands.

"Do you not like it?" Beam asked, seeing that it was Osmanthus tea. As soon as he asked this Kit's eyes started brimming with tears. Then eventually some of those tears fell down. "What happened?"

"Only Ming knew I like Osmanthus tea." Kit said lightly, in such a low voice like he was speaking to himself.

"Don't think of him. It's Lam who bought this. I am sure he randomly bought anyth-" He stopped halfway when he saw that both his and Lam's drink were a normal coca-cola.

Before Beam could say anything more Kit looked up at Lam, who started answering without a care. "Ming was with me, when he found out I was coming here he gave me this." He pointed at the bottle in Kit's hands with his eyes. "He said he ended up buying it even though it is not him who likes it. He asked a favor to give this to you."

Kit hid his face with his hands, speaking out with a sob, "Oh god, why can't I stop loving him?"

Beam patted his back, trying to give his support. While Lam raised a brow. "Why do you need to stop loving him? You love him, he loves you too. He made a mistake, but you can forgive him."

"It's not about forgiveness!" Kit yelled at him suddenly then again started crying, "It's fucking not about it."

"Then what is it about?" Lam asked.

"You won't understand." Kit shook his head. Beam shoulder hugged him while gesturing Lam to shut up. But Lam still asked. "Why won't I understand?"

"Because it's not you to whom his boyfriend lied!" Once again Kit yelled, this time sending him a glare through his red teary eyes.

Lam's eyebrows furrowed, he was going to ask something again when Beam interrupted him. "You know, you are the type who doesn't understand something until it happens to you." With a pause he continued with his eyes closed. "And I really hope you never get to understand this ever."

Lam didn't speak, but this too he didn't understand.

That night while video calling with a sleepy Park he thought of asking this to him, so he ended up telling him the whole story.

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