Ch 29 | March 22nd

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Spending the weekends with Park has become the favorite time for Lam. He's always waiting for the weekends to come faster, or else hoping for having a free period before or after lunch so that he can have lunch with Park.

Occasionally, Park would find time to come for dinner, or else ask Lam to come to his place, but in those times they would only be able to spend at most two-three hours together. Thus why he's always looking forward to the weekends.

Just like this, in their meetings and separations, February was gone and March was welcomed. The most stressful time for any student, as the exams start in this month.

They also got their exam date sheet, Lam has five subjects, and all these subjects exams are back to back, with no gap in between. From March 27 to April 1.

Such back to back exams kill students. The whole class of his hasn't stopped whining about this. Especially Kiet who thinks he will definitely flunk them.

Lam also felt the pressure because of it, but on the positive side as long as he's done with exams he can have more time with Park.

Such a thought motivated him and he started focusing on his study with even more enthusiasm. Until Park sent him his date sheet.

Park's exams start from March 25, with gap in between they will end on 8 April.

Now no one was more depressed about their exams dates than Lam. He even wanted to go and beat the shit out of those teachers who decided with these dates.

In the end he could only sigh and continue to study.

Today is March 3rd, and with luck he got two free periods. He knows in this month they might not even be able to meet on weekends, so this free time was very important. He was so happy by it that he didn't care to give Park a call or tell him about his visit.

Starting his bike, he drove to Park's university. Only when he parked there did he remember that he hasn't informed Park of his visit. But now that he was already here he should just go inside right away. Who gives a damn to inform their boyfriend beforehand about visiting them?

Lam went inside, nobody stopped him, most of the guys here were already used to him, while the others didn't know he was from another university.

Knowing Park would be in the canteen for lunch, Lam went there but to his surprise he didn't see Park on his usual table.

Perhaps Park is in the lab, he did inform about being busy with all the work. Thinking like this Lam stopped a guy he found familiar.

"Oh, brother Lam, here to meet the boss?" The guy he stopped is a member of Park's gang; he already knows Park and Lam are buddies. So it wasn't new for him to see Lam here.

Lam nodded his head in affirmation.

That guy then replied, "But boss isn't here, he went outside somewhere with senior Max and senior Tul."

"Where?" Lam asked. He thought Park must be here to study for the upcoming exams.

"That, I don't know. But he goes out quite often nowadays. You don't know either?"

This time Lam shook his head. "It's fine, I'll call him."

Leaving the place, Lam came outside to his bike and while leaning on it he gave Park a call. The first time Park didn't pick it but the second time he answered instantly.

"Hey cutie, you missed me?"

"Yeah. To the point that I was dying." Lam answered.

Park's laughter came from the phone, "I'll become a widow if you die."

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