Ch 37 | Surprise Visits

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"Like I said, I didn't know someone was filming us!" Park yelled at his two idiot friends. "I mean if I knew why I'd let them continue filming? You're saying it like I was the one setting someone in the bushes, giving them a camera and ordering them to start filming as soon as Lam starts crying."

He raised his hands in the air with a loud huff.

Tul matched his huff by snorting at him. "Says the one who took him to a strip club on his birthday."

"It wasn't a strip club!" Park yelled yet again while rolling his eyes. "It was a gay club!"

"A gay club where they show strip dance? Oh yeah, a really nice place to take your boyfriend." Tul's sarcasm was dripping to the floor.

Park felt helpless now. "I didn't have any idea about that strip show! Hell! I didn't even know Lam was supposed to be my boyfriend!"

At this time Max came and shoved Park to the building's wall. "I can't believe man, you are saying this? Park we both warned you. Warned you that Lam is not like your usual partners. He's innocent, not like us. And now you are saying this?!"

Park felt a headache coming. He doesn't know if he should be mad that his best friends don't believe him or should be glad that at least these people are with Lam.

No matter what he was feeling, he wanted to tell them about this misunderstanding.

"Listen, I really didn't know we were dating. I think Lam misunderstood somehow. He thought I am taking him as his boyfriend, and I thought we are still just friends with benefit."

"Seriously?" Max asked, shocked.

Park nodded. "Yeah. Later as you saw in the video he got jealous and mad, but when he asked me if I love him... oh boy. It was at that moment that I realized I am head over heels for this man. I love him so his misunderstanding doesn't matter. It was all going to be fine, but fuck someone had to make and upload our video!!"

"How the fuck did he misunderstand about you two dating?" Tul asked.

Park answered while sighing. "To keep Berry away from Lam I lied to her that we are dating, Lam got his misunderstanding from there. Then next to confirm it he called me when I was keeping my part-time job a secret.
He once said that he asked me at that time if we were dating, and I said yes." Park closed his eyes, finding his own doing stupid. "I don't even remember when this happened. So basically this time it's not his fault. I was the one who made him misunderstand. And I am glad for that!"

Tul rolled his eyes. "Lam and his misunderstandings."

"Hey don't say it like this!" Park smacked him.

Now Max came up to say. "Lam really does start misunderstanding all on his own. Didn't the first time you guys meet he misunderstood that you were flirting with him?"

"Yah, he did, but it's all because of his cute misunderstandings that we fell in love, and now we are dating!"

"A relationship where you don't even know the anniversary date, hah!" Tul snorted again.

Park had to drop all attempts of smiling and keeping this conversation light. "Listen here you both shit, don't dare bad mouth Lam. What happens between us both is between us; all I am asking you is to help me find that video uploader."

Park's intimidating tone surprised both Max and Tul. They only ever heard Park's this tone during fights with other boys, never used on them.

"Dude you are really head over heels for him." Tul grunted.

Max patted Park's shoulder. "Whatever just make sure to not cheat on him."

"I am never going to do that!" Park huffed. "Now will ya help me?"

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